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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de LaSalle > Youth


Desjardins has a long tradition of involvement with local youth. This is why Caisse Desjardins de LaSalle is so enthusiastic about the concerted effort being made by all Desjardins components toward youth outreach.

School caisse

To help introduce children to sound savings habits at an early age, Caisse Desjardins de LaSalle actively supports the educational school caisse services of participating schools in its community. For more information, go to www.caissescolaire.com/en.


Every year, the caisse awards scholarships to high school, CEGEP and university students.

Visit the Desjardins Foundation site regularly to apply for our various scholarship programs.

Personal Finance: I’m in Charge

An educational program for young adults.

Are you between 16 and 25? Want to take charge of your finances and make sound decisions as a consumer, student or worker?

Personal Finance: I'm in Charge is just what you're looking for!

You'll learn more about things that matter to you, such as:

  • consumer choices
  • cellphones
  • education and work
  • budgets
  • financial services

Thanks to the collaboration of your caisse, free 2-hour group workshops are offered by community partners or educational institutions in the region.

We take a dynamic approach that gets you involved. You'll interact through a variety of hands-on activities and exercises.

To learn more about Personal Finance: I'm in Charge.