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Health insurance FAQ

Questions about health insurance? Learn more about how it works, coverage and cancelling your policy.

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To cancel your policy, call us at 1-866-647-5013 Phone number of Desjardins Insurance. This link opens your phone app. and we can walk you through the process.

How health insurance works

Yes. You could be covered by your or your partner's group insurance plan and by an individual health plan, for example.

Yes, you can adjust your coverage to fit your changing needs. For example, you could switch plans or add dental and prescription drug coverage. Note that conditions and limitations may apply.

For more information, give us a call.

Yes. If you're self-employed you can deduct health insurance premiums as a business expense, as long as you meet certain conditions. For more information, speak with your accountant or tax advisor.


Depending on family circumstances, you can add your spouse or children to your health insurance plan.

Learn more about our health insurance.

Your children are covered by your policy until the first of the following:

  • Their 26th birthday
  • Your 70th birthday

After the coverage ends, they can take out a policy in their own name without having to take a medical exam. Note that conditions may apply.

For preventive or basic dental care, you can use your insurance immediately.

But for major care and orthodontics, the waiting period is 24 months. Conditions and limitations may apply.

Looking for more about health insurance?

Find out more about health insurance, what our plans cover and why it might be right for you.

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Life insurance and living benefits products are manufactured by Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company.