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Disability insurance FAQ

Questions about disability insurance? Learn more about how it works, whether you're eligible and how to cancel your policy. 

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Yes. To cancel your policy, call us at 1-866-647-5013 Phone number of Desjardins Insurance. This link opens your phone app. and we can walk you through the process.

How disability insurance works

If you're self-employed, you generally can't deduct your disability insurance premiums as a business expense. For more information, speak with your accountant or tax advisor.


Depending on which coverage you choose, your policy can end at age 65, 70 or 75. 

Yes, you can modify your policy under certain conditions.

It's important to regularly review your policy to make sure all your information is up to date, including your job and salary. Don't hesitate to contact us for advice.


You can apply for disability insurance if you meet certain eligibility criteria that depend on your job, the number of hours you work per week and other factors.

You may still qualify for disability insurance if you have a pre-existing condition. It depends on various factors, such as the severity of your condition. Exclusions may apply.

You generally can't get disability insurance if you're unemployed. But if you're a seasonal worker with periods of unemployment, you might qualify if you work the required number of hours.

Yes, certain coverage options are available until the age of 69, as long as you're still working.

Looking for more about disability insurance?

Find out more about disability insurance and why it might be right for you.

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Life insurance and living benefits products are manufactured by Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company.