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Caisse Desjardins des technologies has a long tradition of involvement with local youth. This is why it is so enthusiastic about the massive concerted effort being made by all Desjardins components toward youth outreach.

Scholarships for the next generation in telecommunication

Caisse Desjardins des technologies pleased to offer scholarships to students in the field of telecommunications in Quebec.

Follow us on Facebook - External link. and LinkedIn - External link. to see when the 2023 application period begins.

"Je Pense Tech" scholarships

The "Je Pense Tech" scholarships are aimed at students in the tech sector. Students who are enrolled in full-time CEGEP, university, bootcamp or other private technology programs can apply for a scholarship.

Follow us on Facebook - External link. and LinkedIn - External link. to see when the 2023 application period begins.

Young Intern Director Program

The Young Intern Director Program makes it possible for young adults ages 18 to 34 to complete a 1-year internship on the caisse's board of directors.

Caisse Desjardins des technologies are looking for a young intern director to join its board of directors.

To apply to become a young intern director, send us your cover letter and résumé by email - This link will open in a new window.. You need to include your full name, age and phone number. You'll receive confirmation that we received your application within 24 hours of sending it.

The application period is now over. Stay up to date about our youth programs on our Facebook - External link. and LinkedIn - External link. pages.

Learn more about the Young Intern Director Program

Thank you!

Desjardins Foundation scholarships

Each year your caisse contributes to the Desjardins Foundation, the leading private organization to award scholarships in Quebec. The Desjardins Foundation allows a large number of students to pursue technical, vocational or a higher education.

Did you know that as a member of your financial services cooperative, you are eligible for Desjardins Foundation scholarships?

Learn more