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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Jonquière > Our team

Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Véronique Lavoie Véronique Lavoie
Marc-André Pedneault Marc-André Pedneault
Financial controller
Cathy Boily Cathy Boily
Guillaume Bouchard Guillaume Bouchard
Project Manager
Jérôme Bouchard Jérôme Bouchard
Alain Brassard Alain Brassard
Retired Teacher
Martin Ferland Martin Ferland
Robin Guméry Robin Guméry
Team Leader
Marc Pearson Marc Pearson
IT Consultant
Sarah-Maude Roy Sarah-Maude Roy
Caroline Tremblay Caroline Tremblay
Human Resources and Marketing Director

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

Luc Guillemette Luc Guillemette, MSc, BBA, Fin. Pl.
General Manager
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Monika Fillion Monika Fillion
General Management Assistant
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Annie Bernier Annie Bernier
Member Services and Business Strategies Manager
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Marie-Eve Gagnon Marie-Eve Gagnon
Member and Operational Services Assistant Manager
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Jacynthe Munger Jacynthe Munger, F.Pl.
Market Development Manager
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Kevin Couture Kevin Couture
Market Development Manager
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Patrice Vachon Patrice Vachon
Communications Manager
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Sarah Larouche Sarah Larouche
Social Media and Communications Manager
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Caisse Desjardins de Jonquière - Head Office

Anick Belley Anick Belley
Personal Finance Advisor
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Jean-Michel Bouchard Jean-Michel Bouchard
Wealth Management Advisor
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Audrey Desgagné Audrey Desgagné
Personal Finance Advisor
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Marie Léocadie Diarra Marie Léocadie Diarra
Personal Finance Advisor
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Daphné Lachance Daphné Lachance
Personal Finance Advisor
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Natasha Lalancette Natasha Lalancette
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
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Johanne Matte Johanne Matte
Personal Finance Advisor
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Jessica Soucy Jessica Soucy
Personal Finance Advisor
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Mathieu Villeneuve Mathieu Villeneuve
Personal Finance Advisor
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Stéphane Villeneuve Stéphane Villeneuve
Personal Finance Advisor
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Financial Services Agents

Christine Germain Christine Germain
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
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Sarah Laforge-Bouchard Sarah Laforge-Bouchard
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
Geneviève Massé Geneviève Massé
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
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Coralie Monneret Coralie Monneret
Financial Services Agent - Clientele
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Mortgage Representatives

Vincent Audet Vincent Audet
Mortgage representative
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Joanie Gaudreault Joanie Gaudreault
Mortgage representative
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Mathieu Gauthier Mathieu Gauthier
Mortgage representative
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Jean-Michel Marcotte Jean-Michel Marcotte
Mortgage representative
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Luc Tremblay Luc Tremblay
Mortgage representative
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St-Hubert Service Centre

Johanne Beaulieu Johanne Beaulieu, F.Pl.
Conseillère Gestion de patrimoine
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Mélanie Duchesne Mélanie Duchesne
Wealth Management Advisor
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Sarah-Maude Lafond Sarah-Maude Lafond
Personal Finance Advisor
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Nancy Lavoie Nancy Lavoie
Wealth Management Advisor
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Caroline Maltais Caroline Maltais
Personal Finance Advisor
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Marie-Christine Poirier Marie-Christine Poirier
Personal Finance Advisor
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Ariane Racine Ariane Racine
Personal Finance Advisor
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Frédérick Roy Frédérick Roy
Wealth Management Advisor
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Marie-Ève Tremblay Marie-Ève Tremblay
Personal Finance Advisor
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Katy Villeneuve Katy Villeneuve, F.Pl.
Wealth Management Advisor
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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.