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Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Patricia Dompierre Patricia Dompierre
Educational Advisor
Benoît Heppell Benoît Heppell, LLB, LLM
Lise Bergeron Lise Bergeron
Nancy Caron Nancy Caron
Daniel Charest Daniel Charest
Territorial Development Agent
Marie-Hélène Dupont Marie-Hélène Dupont
Martin Grenon Martin Grenon
Tommy Guénard Tommy Guénard
Robert Horman Robert Horman
Steve Jalbert Steve Jalbert
Nicolas Ouellet Michaud Nicolas Ouellet Michaud
Émilie Pitre Émilie Pitre
Administrative Assistant
Simon Veilleux Simon Veilleux
Grocery Store Co-owner
William Guérette William Guérette
Intern Director

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.

Chantale Thibault Chantale Thibault
General Manager
418-629-2271, ext. 7206240
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Anny Fontaine Anny Fontaine
General Management Assistant
418-629-2271, ext. 7206259
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Manon Rémillard Manon Rémillard
Member Services Manager
418-629-2271, ext. 7206222
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Claudine Cyr Claudine Cyr
Market Development Manager
418-629-2271, ext. 7206246
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Isabelle Paquin Isabelle Paquin
Market Development Manager
418-629-2271, ext. 7206245
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Craig Dion Craig Dion
Communications and Cooperative Affairs Manager
418-629-2271, ext. 7206227
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Lise Pineault Lise Pineault
Member Services Coordinator
418-629-2271, ext. 7206323
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Nathalie Lavoie Nathalie Lavoie
Administrative Assistant
418-629-2271, ext. 7206233
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Personal Finance Advisors

Manon Blanchette Manon Blanchette
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206253
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Stéphanie Blanchette Stéphanie Blanchette
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206625
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Weendy Canuel Weendy Canuel
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206230
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Manon Côté Manon Côté
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206623
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Carla Couture Carla Couture
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206132
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Annie Deschenes Annie Deschenes
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206249
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Laurie Duguay Laurie Duguay
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206267
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Mireille Gagnon Mireille Gagnon
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206242
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Sara Michaud Sara Michaud
Consumer Market Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206224
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Virginie Paquet Virginie Paquet
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206526
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Marc Riverin Marc Riverin
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206336
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Gisèle Roy Gisèle Roy
Personal Finance Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206138
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Wealth Management Advisors

Sylvie Dufour Sylvie Dufour
Wealth Management Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206238
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Rachel Gallant Rachel Gallant
Wealth Management Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206229
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Louis-Maxime Otis Louis-Maxime Otis
Wealth Management Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206333
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Sandra Paquet-Roy Sandra Paquet-Roy
Wealth Management Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206215
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Alex Pétrin Alex Pétrin
Wealth Management Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206237
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Karla Torrès-Navarro Karla Torrès-Navarro
Wealth Management Advisor
418-629-2271, ext. 7206243
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Financial Services Agents – Clientele

Sylvie Bussières Sylvie Bussières
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-629-2271, ext. 7206255
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Manon Chabot Manon Chabot
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-629-2271, ext. 7206220
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Julie Côté Julie Côté
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-629-2271, ext. 7206139
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Christina Jomphe Christina Jomphe
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-629-2271, ext. 7206132
Contact by email This link will open in a new window

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  1. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.