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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Rimouski > Our team

Our team

A team of competent and considerate employees, attentive managers and committed directors are at your service, each with the same goal in mind: to offer you the best possible service.

Caisse directors are members who choose to devote some of their time to the administration and management of their cooperative.
Find out more about elected directors and intern directors

Board of Directors

Stéphane Plante Stéphane Plante
Gaétan Ross Gaétan Ross
Valérie St-Denis Valérie St-Denis
Julie Barbeau Julie Barbeau
Pierre Ducharme Pierre Ducharme
Julie Gauthier Julie Gauthier
Jimmy Lévesque Jimmy Lévesque
Maëva Louis Maëva Louis
Carole Nadeau Carole Nadeau
Nancy Robichaud Nancy Robichaud
Jérôme Savard Jérôme Savard
Samuel Turgeon Samuel Turgeon

Managers ensure the caisse is in good financial standing, protecting the interests of our members and offering sound and profitable financial services.


Renaud Audet Renaud Audet
General Manager
418-723-3368, ext. 7191745
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Denis Bérubé Denis Bérubé
General Management Support Manager
418-723-3368, ext. 7191159
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Caroline Dewulf Caroline Dewulf, BAA
Market Development Manager
418-723-3368, ext. 7191179
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Marlène Jean Marlène Jean, BBA
Market Development Manager
418-723-3368, ext. 7191182
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Solange Cyr Solange Cyr
Member Services and Operations Manager
418-723-3368, ext. 7191139
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Pierrette Brillant Pierrette Brillant
General Management Administrative Assistant
418-723-3368, ext. 7191146
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Mélanie Plante Mélanie Plante
Administrative Assistant
418-723-3368, ext. 7191009
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Communications and Associative Affairs

Sylvie Renaud Sylvie Renaud
Communications and Associative Affairs Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191005
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Each advisor is especially focused on each of your life's key stages; from the introduction to the financial world, to working life, and leading up to—and into—retirement.

Our advisors understand the financial dreams and challenges that come up at every life stage. Their advice will help you make the right decisions over time so you can achieve your financial goals—and peace of mind.

Wealth Management Advisors

Nancy Bouillon Nancy Bouillon
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191292
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Ève Marie Caron Ève Marie Caron, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191212
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Louis-Pierre Côté Louis-Pierre Côté, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191165
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Jonathan Girard Jonathan Girard, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191137
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Amina Haroune Amina Haroune
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191032
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Jimmy Larochelle Jimmy Larochelle
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191152
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Vanessa Lepage Vanessa Lepage, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191288
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Sébastien Maltais Sébastien Maltais, FP, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191207
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Alexis Michaud Alexis Michaud, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191174
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Stéphanie Patry-Bouillon Stéphanie Patry-Bouillon, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191027
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Amy Rouleau-Lévesque Amy Rouleau-Lévesque, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191210
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Keven Routhier Keven Routhier, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191187
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Hélène Brillant Hélène Brillant
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191157
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Patricia Hudon Patricia Hudon, BBA
Wealth Management Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191185
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Personal Finance Advisors

Marie-Pier Beaulieu Marie-Pier Beaulieu, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191243
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Pierre-Luc Boucher Pierre-Luc Boucher
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191270
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Vanessa Boudreau Vanessa Boudreau
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191163
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Élodie Boodoo Élodie Boodoo
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191026
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Gabriel Bourgault-Roy Gabriel Bourgault-Roy, BAA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191141
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Frédéric Brossard-Lemerise Frédéric Brossard-Lemerise, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191254
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Damien Clement Damien Clement, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191158
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Nancy Couture Nancy Couture
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191140
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Rosa-Lee Dallaire Rosa-Lee Dallaire
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191004
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Catherine Dubé Catherine Dubé, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191160
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Cynthia Filion-Poirier Cynthia Filion-Poirier
Conseillère Finances personnelles
418-723-3368, ext. 7191022
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Hélène Gagnon Hélène Gagnon, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191129
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Brandon Gamache Brandon Gamache
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191025
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Sophie Gonthier Sophie Gonthier
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191779
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Chantal Joubert Chantal Joubert
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191061
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Sylvie Leblond Sylvie Leblond
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191289
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Lucie Levasseur Lucie Levasseur
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191135
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Antoine Marin Antoine Marin, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191173
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Isabelle Néron Isabelle Néron
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191290
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Amélie Ratté Amélie Ratté, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191181
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Martin St-Pierre Martin St-Pierre
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191047
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Jérémie Thériault Jérémie Thériault
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191167
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Caroline Tremblay Caroline Tremblay, BBA
Personal Finance Advisor
418-723-3368, ext. 7191046
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Consumer Market Support

Simon Minville Simon Minville
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-723-3368, ext. 7191019
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Claire Bernatchez Claire Bernatchez
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-723-3368, ext. 7191184
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Nathalie Cyr Nathalie Cyr
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-723-3368, ext. 7191145
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Kayliane Fournier Kayliane Fournier
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-723-3368, ext. 7191017
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Manon Guillemette Manon Guillemette
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-723-3368, ext. 7191138
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Marie-Claude Lee Marie-Claude Lee
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-723-3368, ext. 7191271
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Nadia Therrien Nadia Therrien
Financial Services Agent – Clientele
418-723-3368, ext. 7191229
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  1. Financial Planner for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  2. Financial Planner and Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.
  3. Mutual Funds Representative for Desjardins Financial Services Firm Inc.