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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins Hydro > Espace Caisse Hydro

Espace Caisse Hydro

Exclusive to the Hydro-Québec community, Espace Caisse Hydro is an innovative space where you can receive expert advice to help bring all your financial plans to fruition.

Whether you want to learn more about cooperatives and Desjardins Group, get advice for a big purchase, learn retirement savings strategies or simply explore a new space, our advisors are here to support Hydro-Québec employees and give you an enriching experience.

Visit Espace Caisse Hydro

Come and explore our new financial space just for Hydro-Québec employees. You'll find:

  • A unique design
  • An inspiring spot to get things done, right near your workplace
  • An approach tailored to your needs
  • Innovative technologies that create a unique experience
  • Conferences
  • Workshops for you to develop new skills

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Agrandissement de l'image _____A photo of Espace Caisse Hydro
A photo of Espace Caisse Hydro
Agrandissement de l'image _____A photo of Espace Caisse Hydro
A photo of Espace Caisse Hydro