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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Lévis > Sustainable development

Sustainable development

Caisse Desjardins de Lévis aims to become a leader in sustainable development in the Lévis community by helping build a sustainable and responsible economy. Here are a few examples of the work we've done so far.

2022 BOMA BEST Platinum Certification

Caisse Desjardins de Lévis was awarded the BOMA BEST Platinum Certification, which recognizes excellence in energy efficiency and environmental management in commercial real estate.

BOMA BEST is one of the most important evaluation and certification programs in Canada with more than 7,000 buildings certified or recertified since the program was launched in 2005.

Promotion of online banking

Desjardins is a modern organization that offers simple and accessible online and mobile services for our members and clients.

Visit AccèsD and mobile services to learn more about what you can do online.

Desjardins Solutions for a Sustainable Future

With Desjardins Solutions for a Sustainable Future, you can invest your money according to your values. Get financing to buy, build or renovate an eco-friendly home or to purchase an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Learn more about our sustainable solutions

Reduction of single-use plastics

At Caisse Desjardins de Lévis, our employees and members use reusable glasses or mugs when on the premises.

Beekeeping to increase honey production and pollination

The caisse manages a few urban beehives in partnership with urban beekeeping organization Alvéole - External link.. Located at the Maison de la Famille Rive-Sud, the hives help ensure the survival of bees, produce local honey, increase pollination and make our community greener.

Annual recycling drop-off: Old computer equipment and confidential documents

Every year, the caisse holds a recycling day where you can dispose of old computer equipment and confidential documents securely and responsibly. Look out for the next recycling day on our Facebook page (in French only) - External link..

Incentives for alternative transport

We offer a cash incentive to employees who bike, walk or take public transit to work. We also have underground parking spaces reserved for employees who carpool to work.

Carbon offsetting

Every year, Caisse Desjardins de Lévis offsets the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the travel of its employees, directors and members through the Carbone Scol'ERE project, a fun educational program that raises awareness about greenhouse gases and climate change.

In 2022, we were able to offset 200 tonnes of CO2. This means that about 200 kids ages 9 to 12 and their families will participate in the program and commit to adopting new, eco-friendly habits.
