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Win a scholarship!

Are you a full-time student who could use a financial boost? Then apply for a scholarship!

Every year, Desjardins awards hundreds of scholarships to encourage students and highlight their efforts.

In addition to those offered by the Desjardins Foundation, the caisse will be awarding 15 scholarships, totalling $20,000, to student members for the fall 2023 semester.

  • 5 scholarships of $1,000 for vocational school and CEGEP students
  • 10 scholarships of $1,500 for university students (including graduate students)

Application period: March 1 to 31, 2023

Draw date: June 1, 2023*

Apply - External link. This link opens in a new window.

Read the 2023 scholarship program rules (in French only, PDF, 158 KB) - This link will open in a new window.

See the poster (in French only, PDF, 5 664 KB) - This link will open in a new window.

Caisse Desjardins des Seigneuries de la frontière is proud to make a difference in the life of its student members and help them pursue their dreams.

Good luck!

* Note that selected candidates will be contacted by email. They must meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the contest rules to receive a scholarship. The 2023 winners will be announced in October