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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Terrebonne > Events, news and publications > Your caisse, a proud partner of SODECT

Your caisse, a proud partner of SODECT

Caisse Desjardins de Terrebonne is pleased to support major projects in the community. As part of the 2020 call for projects, the Société de développement culturel de Terrebonne (SODECT) received $25,000 for its new permanent exhibition "De Terrebonne à Fort Chipewyan - This link will open in a new window." at the Bureau seigneurial de l'île- des-Moulins.

The much anticipated exhibition was unveiled on October 6, 2022. It showcases the region's heritage and identity by highlighting its important role in the fur trade and the exploration of Canada by the North West Company.

Let's support culture together!
