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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse populaire Desjardins de Gatineau > Events, news and publications > Lise Turcotte Bertrand is the new chair of Caisse de Gatineau

Lise Turcotte Bertrand is the new chair of Caisse de Gatineau

Lise Turcotte Bertrand has sat on the caisse's board of directors for over 9 years, including as vice-chair from 2017 to April 2024.

She's known for her openness, commitment and excellent knowledge of the caisse network and Desjardins Group.

We wish to express our gratitude to Yves Geoffrion, the outgoing chair, who held the position since 2018.

During his mandate, Yves worked tirelessly to represent the interests of the caisse and its members at various regional committees, working groups and within Desjardins. Yves stands out for his excellent grasp of the issues, his ability to communicate clearly, as well as his hard work and team spirit.

Thank you to Yves for all his dedication, and congratulations to Lise on her new position.

Lise Turcotte Bertrand
Yves Geoffrion