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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Sainte-Foy > Events, news and publications > Call for applications: Become an intern director

Call for applications: Become an intern director

Caisse Desjardins de Sainte-Foy is looking for an intern director to join its board of directors.

The winning candidate will attend regular board meetings and review relevant issues alongside the other directors, all while picking up valuable skills and learning about Desjardins's cooperative nature.

The internship lasts 1 year. Apply by May 19, 2024.

To apply to become an intern director, send your cover letter and résumé to Christelle Dechamp by email.

See the call for applications (in French only, PDF, 179 KB) - 

Learn more about the Board Succession program - External link. This link will open a new window.