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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins du Sud-Ouest de Montréal > Involvement in the community

Involvement in the community

The caisse understands the challenges and issues facing its members. With their support, it can provide its fellow citizens with valuable help regarding initiatives aimed at common betterment and the advancement of society.

Your caisse supports local and regional initiatives in various areas.

Fill out the donation and sponsorship application form - This link will open in a new window. - (in French only, PDF, 683 KB).

Your caisse expresses its cooperative difference in several ways: through its service approach, through the member dividends it pays out to members, through its contribution to the cooperative, economic and financial education of its members, through its support to community and cooperative development and through its democratic decision-making processes.

In 2022, Caisse Desjardins du Sud-Ouest de Montréal awarded $225,000 in donations and sponsorships, more than $180,000 through its Community Development Fund and close to $48,000 through the Fonds du Comité des dons de L'île de Montréal to support various community projects, for a total of approximately $453,000.

Here are a few criteria which are considered when processing donations and sponsorships:

  • Non-profit organization that is recognized in the community
  • Organization that operates in the caisse's territory
  • Organization that is a member of the caisse

See the 2023 cooperative difference report (in French only, PDF, 1.9 MB) - This link will open in a new window..

To submit a donation and sponsorship application, please contact:
Sylvie Laframboise
Communications and Associative Affairs Advisor
514-380-8000, ext. 7020224
Contact by email - This link will open in a new window.

Read the caisse's investment policy (in French only, PDF, 976 KB) - This link will open in a new window.

The Community Development Fund serves to redistribute a portion of the cooperative's surplus earnings to the community. Following a proposal by the board of directors, during the annual general meeting, members decide what portion of the surplus earnings will be paid into the community fund. Through their caisse, members can support causes that are important to them.

Members who sit on the board of directors manage the community fund. Every year, they report on the fund at the annual general meeting.

Caisse Desjardins du Sud-Ouest de Montréal practices inter-cooperation with local caisses whenever possible. To maximize the scope of its efforts, it regularly joins forces with other caisses.