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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins du personnel municipal Québec > Involvement in the community

Involvement in the community

The caisse understands the challenges and issues facing its members. With their support, it can provide its fellow citizens with valuable help regarding initiatives aimed at common betterment and the advancement of society.

The caisse understands the challenges and issues its members face daily. Sensitive to their needs and concerns, the caisse is proactive and supports members in advancing their community and in initiatives aimed at improving individual and collective well-being.

It's much more than just numbers…Your caisse is a tool to promote solidarity in the community and is involved in the social and civic life of its members. It's a cutting-edge, innovative and creative enterprise. It's a neutral meeting point and a proactive institution that invests time and energy to serve and help members gain wealth. It's a source of financial support for people in financial difficulty. Your Caisse d'économie is first and foremost financial strength in the workplace, and it belongs to you.

Read the caisse's investment policy (in French only, PDF, 270 KB) - This link will open in a new window.

In addition to all the financial services it offers, the Caisse also provides special services:

Financial aid program
This program is unique, customized and strictly confidential.

Budgeting service
Whether you are getting a separation or divorce, or you have debt overload due to excessive spending, gambling problems or alcohol or drug dependences, your group caisse advisors can work with you to create a budget that will respect your income and expenses.

Retirement analysis
Our financial planning can analyse your situation and help you plan for your retirement based on your retirement plan, which we know very well.

Your caisse team regularly offers educational lectures on current financial issues, usually scheduled at noon.

Financing training for retirement
Within the retirement training program offered by the Ville de Québec, the Caisse du personnel municipal provides financial training about what you need to prepare and take into account for this important step in your life.