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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Mont-Tremblant > Involvement in the community

Involvement in the community

The caisse enriches the lives of individuals and communities through its financial and human contributions. It supports projects that meet the needs and expectations of its members. Desjardins is an important socioeconomic leader in the community and works alongside several partners.

Through donations, sponsorships and contributions from the Community Development Fund, the caisse supports multiple local and regional initiatives in various sectors.

The Community Development Fund (CDF), also called community dividends, is made possible by the caisse's yearly surplus earnings. During the annual general meeting, members vote on the amount allocated to the CDF. This is a way for all caisse members to support the development of their community and important projects.

Read the caisse's investment policy (in French only, PDF, 5.03 MB) - This link will open in a new window.

Fill out the partnership application form - This link will open in a new window.

Some of our 2023 community partnerships

  • Learn & Earn
  • Arundel Elementary School (pet therapy and hydroponic garden)
  • Calvaire d'Huberdeau (statue restoration)
  • Carnaval de Brébeuf
  • Centre d'action bénévole Laurentides
  • Choeur Tremblant
  • Club de soccer Soutana FC Mont-Tremblant (jerseys)
  • Coopérative Chiffon Magique
  • Festi-Jazz Mont-Tremblant (Desjardins stage)
  • Festival Joyeux Mont-Tremblant (Desjardins stage)
  • Fondation CHDL-CHRV
  • Habillons un enfant
  • L'Écluse des Laurentides
  • Maison des Arts Saint-Faustin (annual contest and Dada exhibit)
  • Palliacco
  • Tournoi Montagnards Mont-Tremblant
  • And many other events across the region!

Caisse Desjardins de Mont-Tremblant practices intercooperation whenever possible and, with a view to maximizing the scope of its efforts, regularly joins forces with the following caisses:

  • Caisse Desjardins de la Rouge
  • Caisse Desjardins de Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts
  • Caisse Desjardins de la Vallée des Pays-d'en-Haut
  • Caisse Desjardins du Cœur des Hautes-Laurentides

Here are projects that have reaped the benefits of this cooperative synergy:

  • Transport collectif intermunicipal des Laurentides
  • Théâtre Gilles-Vigneault
  • Palliacco
  • Le P'tit Train du Nord
  • Gala des Mercures at the Polyvalente Curé-Mercure
  • Fondation du Cégep de Saint-Jérôme – Campagne Rêveur à Entrepreneur
  • Fondation de l'hôpital de Rivière-Rouge CHDL-CRHV
  • Festival Stradivaria
  • Équipe Élite Division Laurentienne de ski
  • Carrefour jeunesse-emploi
  • Desjardins scholarships

Caisse agreement with the polyvalente Curé-Mercure

Every year, our youth advisor meets with secondary 5 students to talk about budgeting, saving and credit.

If necessary, other meetings are planned to deepen students' understanding of their finances.

Believing and investing in youth pays off...

...in awards

The Défi Coop group first requested financial aid to purchase a used bioreactor, which costs around $5,000. The Caisse chose instead to give them a larger donation of $13,000 to purchase a new bioreactor. Thanks to the bioreactor, which will be used to compost the school's putrescible waste, the Défi Coop group received a Palme verte award from the Montréal Nature Museums Foundation. The Défi Coop group is also a national finalist for the Québec Entrepreneurship Contest.