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You are here: Home > Personal > Caisse Desjardins de Limoilou > Involvement in the community

Involvement in the community

The caisse enriches the lives of individuals and communities through its financial and human contributions. It supports projects that meet the needs and expectations of its members. Desjardins is an important socioeconomic leader in the community and works alongside several partners.

Through donations, sponsorships and contributions from the Community Development Fund, the caisse supports multiple local and regional initiatives in various sectors.

The Community Development Fund (CDF), also called community dividends, is made possible by the caisse's yearly surplus earnings. During the annual general meeting, members vote on the amount allocated to the CDF. This is a way for all caisse members to support the development of their community and important projects.

Read the caisse's investment policy (in French only, PDF, 1.04 MB) - This link will open in a new window.

Fill out the partnership application form - This link will open in a new window.

A new eco-friendly fund for environmental projects

In order to contribute to local environmental efforts and the fight against climate change, the caisse has set up a $1 million eco-friendly fund.

Desjardins members can apply for funding in 2 ways:

  • Through the greening and demineralization program, which aims to improve the area's air quality, increase vegetation cover and reduce heat islands
  • By submitting an application during a call for projects that aims to support any project with a positive environmental impact, and which meets the predetermined eligibility criteria

Read the eco-friendly fund's policy (in French only, PDF, 764 KB) - Cet hyperlien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre.

Fill out the greening and demineralization program application (in French only, PDF, 652 ko) - Cet hyperlien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre.

Fill out the eco-friendly fund's call for projects application (in French only, PDF, 726 ko) - Cet hyperlien s'ouvrira dans une nouvelle fenêtre.

Applications for the greening and demineralization program are processed continuously, while those submitted as part of a call for projects are processed every 3 months by the committee responsible.

Our unique programs

Engagée de nature

The caisse is always looking to increase its support for community organizations. With our Engagée de nature program, we're giving back even more to the community. And it's all thanks to you!

The caisse already gives back hundreds of thousands of dollars to the community every year. But now, through Engagée de nature, you're making a difference when you become a member, attend the annual general meeting or choose us for financing. Every time this happens, we'll plant a tree in Quebec or donate $10 from the Community Development Fund to a shortlisted organization of your choice.

One mortgage, one tree

For every new mortgage or mortgage renewal taken out at the caisse, we'll plant a tree in Quebec with the help of Irokko, a carbon offset provider. By choosing the caisse, you're contributing to a healthier environment and a greener future!

Lea rn more about the Engagée de nature program (in French only, PDF, 133 KB)  - 

See the program poster (in French only, PDF, 1.4 MB)  -