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Caisse de la Culture

Caisse de la Culture

Transit: 92262-815
215, rue Saint-Jacques Ouest
Bureau 200
Montréal, Québec
H2Y 1M6
Phone: 514-285-8873 or 1-800-305-2787
Fax: 514-285-4445

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Why become a member?
Every Desjardins caisse is a financial services cooperative that belongs to its members. As a member, you benefit from many exclusive advantages and discounts. To learn more, see Open an account and become a member.

What is a sector caisse?

A sector caisse brings together members based on their job type or business sector. Learn more about sector caisses.

As a cooperative with deep roots in the community, Caisse Desjardins de la Culture is an economic springboard for cultural organizations and entrepreneurs and a major partner of Quebec artists. Founded by artists in 1994, the caisse's membership quickly came to include the majority of the cultural industry's professional associations and copyright collectives.

Today, Caisse de la Culture has 10,000 individual and business members. The caisse is dedicated to the development of the cultural industry in Quebec. With our intimate knowledge of its realities, we provide customized support to our members, who are artists, artisans, self-employed workers, businesses and organizations from every artistic field.

At Caisse de la Culture, our mission is to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. We value your artistic contribution and understand the unique challenges faced by cultural workers. Not only are we familiar with Quebec's cultural scene, we're committed to helping it grow with every dollar. Whatever your needs are, we have the expertise to find solutions for you. Over the years, we've proudly helped thousands of self-employed workers become homeowners and achieve their goals, and fostered business development in every artistic field.

When you choose Caisse de la Culture, you support the sustainable development of the arts. You help us fund more artists, organizations, and projects, and create added value. Choose Caisse de la Culture—and get involved!