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About the caisse

Each caisse member is also a co-owner of the caisse.

Find out more about caisse operations

Our mission:

  • To provide all members, regardless of the scope of their needs, with access to quality financial services, concrete financial advantages and considerate service.
  • To contribute to members' cooperative, economic and financial education.
  • To contribute to community development.

Our vision:

  • To be the leading financial institution, both with respect to satisfying our members' needs as in the field of business development.
  • To remain a leader in traditional services, be recognized as a leading financial institution for asset management and be considered the leading partner of businesses, particularly SMEs.
  • To be able to satisfy all our members' financial needs:
    • through comprehensive, adapted and accessible advisory services
    • through the contribution of our mobilized, competent and committed employees, all strongly inspired by cooperative values and a passion for service
  • To provide Caisse members with a higher level of satisfaction than our competitors, so they can do business with the various Desjardins components with confidence.
  • To ensure our employees and officers have a clear, full and common understanding of Desjardins' cooperative difference, also recognized by Caisse members.
  • To achieve a solid and reassuring financial performance, based on a sound and prudent framework, thus contributing to maintain our credibility and ensure our continuity.