Assistance services

Here's a list of the various assistance services offered under the Guide, Protect and Support Program:

Advance Medical is a program that provides access to the leading experts worldwide for the best health care solutions. You will have the opportunity to speak with expert physicians who will help you and provide you with the care you need. You will speak directly to a physician who will look after you and help you find answers to your questions.

Best Doctors®, Inc. is a database of more than 50,000 of the world's top medical specialists. Services available to you include confirmation of your critical illness diagnosis and recommendation of the best possible treatment plan for you.

The services include 3 components:

  1. InterConsultationTM: World-renowned specialists review your medical file, confirm the diagnosis, and suggest your best treatment plan options
  2. FindBestDocTM: Experts identify the top specialists in your area to treat you
  3. FindBestCareTM: Physicians continually monitor your treatment plan

Service offered by specialists who can help you make hotel reservations, tell you about a country's customs, let you know what kind of entertainment is available there, etc. This service makes it easier to organize business trips and ensure everything runs smoothly.


"I'm in Spain on a business trip right now, and I need a lawyer and an accountant here. Can you give me any names?"

"I'm going to be meeting with a client in Vancouver who's a big football fan. Can you help me get tickets?"

Telephone service offered by a team of medical experts and assistance coordinators to help you find the information and providers you need to recover from an illness, accident or surgery.


"I've just had surgery and am going home. I'm going to need help with housework and changing my dressings. Can you help me arrange it?"

"My husband just suffered a stroke. He's paralyzed and is in a long-term care facility. I'd like him to come home for short visits, but I don't know where to start to organize this. Can you help?"

The process involves 4 steps:

  1. Assessing your needs
  2. Identifying providers
  3. Coordinating services with these providers
  4. Following your case's progress

Telephone service that provides you with access to local homecare resources to help with your recovery (nursing care, meal services, housekeeping services, etc.).


"My husband just had surgery and is now home from hospital. Since I have to go to work, I'll need help around the house and with nursing care for him. Can you put me in touch with a local provider I can trust?"

"My mother has Alzheimer's disease and it's not safe for her to be home alone anymore. Can you give me the names of some facilities that might be appropriate?"

This service offers you around-the-clock advice on your health or that of a loved one, and can guide you to the public and private resources available. This service also offers prevention, well-being and lifestyle tips.

It is quick and easy to get answers to your questions on subjects including medications, vaccinations, fitness and physical activity, nutrition, childcare and natural products.

Here are some examples:

"I hurt myself. Should I see a physiotherapist?"

"I am afraid I have started menopause. Can you tell me if my symptoms confirm my suspicions? If it has started, what treatments are available to relieve my symptoms?"

Telephone service providing advice and referrals to local resources when you need help with home maintenance or repairs, or in the event of an emergency.


"My husband is handy, so he was thinking of installing a wheelchair ramp to the house so it's easier for me to get around. Can you put him in touch with someone who could advise him about what he needs to do?"

"It's midnight, and a windowpane just shattered! It's -20°C outside and it's freezing in the house. Can you send someone over right away?"

The service includes 3 components:

  • Referrals to resources you can trust
  • Advice for people who want to do the work themselves
  • An emergency repair service for major breakage or damage

Confidential service offered by psychologists who actively listen and provide support when you are experiencing difficulties.


"My wife just found out she has cancer. I'd like some advice on how to break the news to my children without scaring them."

"I've just become disabled and will be off work for several months. I'm worried about staying home and having nothing to do, and I'd like to talk to someone."

Telephone service available 24 hours a day anywhere in the world to help you if you experience a medical emergency or problems while travelling outside your home province.


"My family and I are in Fort Lauderdale, and my husband just had a heart attack. He was taken to Emergency at the local hospital. Can you help us?"

"We've leaving for a trip to Nicaragua next month. Can you tell me what vaccinations I'll need?"

With this service, you'll be able to talk to an agent who will listen to your concerns and provide you with appropriate advice. If necessary, you'll be directed to other services (medical, etc.). And in the event of a serious health problem, we'll take care of getting you home.

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