The fundamental values of a cooperative are self-help, self-responsibility and responsibility for others, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. The members of a cooperative follow a strict code of ethics based on honesty, openness, social
responsibility and caring for others.
The cooperative movement in Quebec is more than:
- 3,300 cooperative organizations and 44 mutuals
- 8.8 million members
- 88,000 jobs
- $22 billion in sales
- $158 billion in assets
In Canada, there are over 10,000 cooperative businesses in Canada, generating nearly 155,000 jobs and holding combined assets of $225 billion. They are owned by nearly 10 million members.
The worldwide cooperative movement counts nearly 750,000 cooperatives in more than 100 countries, with 800 million members, and jobs for 100 million people.
The 7 principles at the heart of organizing and running a cooperative
- voluntary and open membership
- the democratic exercise of power by members and their representatives
- member economic participation in capital
- autonomy and independence of the cooperative from governments and external interest groups
- education, training, and information of members, officers and employees
- cooperation among cooperatives
- cooperative concern for the community
To find out more, visit the site of the Conseil québécois de la coopération et de la mutualité - External link. This link will open in a new window and the Conseil Canadien de la Coopération - External link. This link will open in a new window.