Cooperatives are everywhere
Cooperation is creativity in action!
It creates partnerships and jobs and opens a door to the world. It generates debates and questions. It is a tool of democracy. In 1900, Alphonse Desjardins became a pioneer of the Quebec cooperative movement by creating caisses populaires. Cooperation is not a new phenomenon in this part of the country!
We don't always expect to find it in our daily activities but cooperation is alive and well, almost everywhere you look. The following is a list of 26 examples.
"Tell me what you eat, and I'll show you a cooperative!" Do you live in Quebec? If you do, there's a good chance that the cheese (Agropur - External link. This link will open in a new window) and maple syrup (Citadelle - External link. This link will open in a new window) you eat come from a cooperative. And these are but a few examples. In 2018, the agricultural cooperative movement was approximately 120,000 members strong in Quebec. By purchasing their products, we promote local farmers and a cooperative production system.
Does cooperative-produced beer taste better? Let's leave that judgment to the experts. One thing's for sure: La Barberie (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window's Stout impériale is brewed by the owners themselves, like the Blanche de Trois-Rivières by the Frères Houblon. The La Barberie and Frères Houblon breweries are work cooperatives, which means that they belong to the employees. In this type of organization, workers participate in the decision-making process and receive a share of the company's profits.
Smell the delightful aroma of solidarity with fair trade coffee! Many small coffee producers, like those in the Dominican Fedecares and Conocado cooperatives supported by Plan Nagua, know all about its benefits. When their harvest is sold through fair trade, these producers receive a fair price, which is not what they get from the multinationals. At the end of the day, entire villages benefit from the increased income.
Would you like some fair trade chocolate to have with your coffee? If you want to find out where you can get these products in your area, the Équiterre - External link. This link will open in a new window website has 3 directories of purchase outlets.
The fair trade market is more than just food. You should have a look at the handcrafted fair trade merchandise - External link. This link will open in a new window made with the skilful hands of people in developing countries. They're worth checking out! Many of these exotic objects are available in shops in Quebec.
La Mauve (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window, is a solidarity (multi-stakeholder) cooperative in the Bellechasse region of Quebec that focuses on sustainable development. To promote social and economic equity between generations, these dynamic cooperators make use of innovative agricultural and agroforestry practices. They also support local producers and fair trade through their food store and distribution of summer and winter produce baskets. These activities enable them to strengthen the bonds between consumers and small producers.
Did you know that in Quebec, in 2018, close to 116,000 jobs were generated by some 3,300 cooperatives businesses of all types? Desjardins Group (our cooperative financial institution) has about 45,000 employees in Quebec. In Canada, nearly 195,000 people in a population of 37 million work in cooperatives in all categories, and all over the world, 280 million workers. Cooperatives do what it takes to stimulate the social economy.
The forestry industry has a good number of workers organized into cooperatives. Forestry cooperatives are closer to the people than the big paper companies and put more energy into the environment, ecology and sustainable development so as to leave a legacy for future generations. The Coopérative forestière de Girardville (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window is proof of that. Twenty years ago, these cooperators started producing essential oils by extraction from black spruce logging residues. Now it is involved in numerous activities, including forest management, ecological harvesting, greenhouses and nurseries.
What household chore do so many people dislike? If you guessed mowing the lawn, you're right. However, not everyone considers it a chore. Every summer, high school students from Coops d'initiation à l'entrepreneuriat collectif (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window to create jobs for themselves . For a small fee, they will mow lawns, paint fences, babysit, oversee children's parties, etc. As is customary of cooperatives, each group decides which services it will provide. In addition to gaining work experience, these teens learn how to manage a cooperative enterprise.
Are you an avid climber? At Mountain Equipment Co-op - External link. This link will open in a new window (MEC), you'll find many types of harnesses and all types of climbing equipment at the lowest possible price so you can climb farther and higher in complete security. This co-op supports people in achieving the benefit of wilderness-oriented recreation and is renowned for the quality of its products and services. Today, 5 million members consult enthusiastic MEC specialists to help them make the right choices. Integrity, mutual respect, community spirit and well-being are the motivation behind MEC's innovation and commitment to society and the environment.
If you think that work cooperatives are limited only to traditional trades, think again. Well-established in Quebec for more than a decade, Productions 4 Éléments - External link. This link will open in a new window is a work coop that combines an experienced team with high-quality facilities to implement video and graphic animation projects. What's the most valuable asset of its hard-working members? The blend of their passions, skills and talent that makes a distinct experience.
Creating a video is a combination of talents working towards a common goal. The cooperative structure promotes a democratic governance where sharing ideas and getting involved fosters its members' creativity and the company's growth.
The flapping wings of south-bound geese was the inspiration for a Montmagny group when naming their cooperative newspaper. Each week, 24,215 copies of the L'Oie Blanche (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window newspaper fly onto the doorsteps of subscribers living in Montmagny, L'Islet and four Bellechasse municipalities, keeping them up-to-date about the happenings in their community. L'Oie blanche employs dozens of people on a full-time basis.
To get the most out of their favourite activity, Bas-du-Fleuve regulars founded Coop Kayaks de mer des îles (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window. Kayaking… What a great way to discover the St. Lawrence River and its islands! This young association aims to introduce as many enthusiasts to this terrific adventure as possible. What's more, it doesn't remain within the confines of kayaking; it provides its members with nautical safety and technical training, which makes this sport even more enjoyable.
Many people will attest to the fact that it isn't always easy to find a place to live that's affordable! However, thanks to housing cooperatives (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window, some see this situation in a different light. Quebec housing co-ops have been growing over the last 32 years and currently have 30,000 affordable and decent apartments for rent. On a daily basis, 60,000 people run the 1,300 cooperatives, thereby contributing to the well-being of their fellow citizens.
You thought that manufacturing was just for the traditional sector? Think again! Promo Plastik - External link. This link will open in a new window is a really dynamic worker coop based in Saint-Jean-Port-Joli. It currently has 17 employees, mainly women.
This coop operates in the manufacturing sector, more specifically the design, manufacture and printing of injection-moulded plastic promotional items. It's also been making the Quebec Winter Carnival statue and the Festival d'été de Québec buttons for several years. We'd like to highlight that the 2 teams connecting adapted work and social reintegration collaborate to assemble and package orders to fulfill these contracts.
Creating the worker coop not only helped build the product line and develop the business, but also mobilized workers and built awareness so that everyone is involved to making it a success.
Very few people were familiar with Inuit art before the 60s but today, Inuit works are known around the world largely because Inuit artists formed cooperatives and joined the Fédération des coopératives du Nouveau-Quebec - External link. This link will open in a new window. The federation includes 14 associations and its mission is to promote and maintain a cooperative organization in Nunavik. Marketing Inuit art is at the heart of its activities. Thus, the Federation is able to send magnificent sculptures by Inukjuak Cooperative members around the world.
Budgeting can sometimes be a game of skill. However, support can be found at the associations cooperatives d'économie familiale (family economics cooperative associations) which help people regain control of their finances. This is the case of, among others, the ACEF Rive-Sud de Quebec (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window and the ACEF Basses-Laurentides (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window. The purpose of these organizations is to improve the neighbourhood's quality of life by providing help with budgeting, debt management and consumption.
Many young people dream about going back to their home town. But the chances of landing a good job far from urban centres can sometimes seem slim. Place aux jeunes (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window works hard to dispel this preconceived idea. To halt the exodus of young people from our beautiful regions, the organization promotes the appeal, resources, market and know-how of these areas. Concretely, it organizes 3 weekend seminars for young people. Over a span of about ten years, it has informed many young people about business opportunities and real job openings that have enabled them to go home again.
Quinoa is just one of the many healthy organic foods that Bois-Francs residents can purchase at Victoriaville's La Manne (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window. Established in 1978 by 30 health-conscious individuals, La Manne is a cooperative whose mission is to promote healthy eating. It favours organic, locally grown and fair trade produce, as well as products with minimal packaging. Today, La Manne has more than 8,000 members, 50 employees and is a recognized reference in healthy eating and overall health.
You daydream about joining the circus? The circus is a vast and limitless mode of expression: it's an excellent way to develop both physically and mentally.
With the purpose of democratizing access and creating a place for discussion and sharing, Caravane Coop - External link. This link will open in a new window was created. This solidarity cooperative offers a free training space dedicated to this, opening this infinite universe of possibilities to everyone. Created by and for its members, volunteers manage the structure that is constantly evolving to meet the needs and growing interest of its members and the community.
Health cooperatives are very concerned for citizens and strive to make frontline services accessible to meet a community's need for health services. In the same way, they organize health and prevention activities to educate the public (e.g., lectures on diabetes) as well as groups to encourage physical activity (e.g., walking club).
Health cooperatives are connected to their community through their members and partnerships with associations, community organizations, health and social services centres (CSSS) and hospitals. This promotes unity among social stakeholders in shared projects to improve the health of the population.
To learn more, see the Fédération des coopératives de services à domicile et de santé du Québec - External link. This link will open in a new window website.
Le Théâtre Parminou - External link. This link will open in a new window, a popular theatre company with 30 years of history, is in tune with the social problems and arouses emotions, reflections, discussions, and change. Whether it be in a village or in a capital city, in schools or in community centres, in prisons, in firms and in theatres, le Parminou reaches people beyond the walls of a theatre.
In 1941, the Nicolet Seminary became the cradle of school co-operatives. So, as you can see, the COOPSCO (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window network didn't start spreading cooperative values in school establishments just yesterday. Today, there are approximately 100 points of sale in Quebec high schools, colleges and universities. Each fall, nearly 300,000 students go to their school co-op to get books and school supplies. But COOPSCO consists of much more than just products and services. It's also a high concentration of dynamic energy to encourage students to become active in cooperative movements.
The Saguenay Fjords can be seen from all angles on land, from the sea and from the air. For fans of adventure tourism or ecotourism, there is something for everyone at the Coop de solidarité du Cap-Jaseux - External link. This link will open in a new window in Saint-Fulgence. Because of its wide range of activities, rich natural environment and lodging infrastructure, the Parc Aventures Cap-Jaseux has become the area's prime getaway destination. The Saguenay roots of the cooperators can readily be discerned in the warmth and passion they've poured into this project.
Développement international Desjardins (DID) personnel is quite familiar with the pleasant sounds of Wolof, a language commonly spoken in Senegal. The Desjardins cooperative spirit knows no borders: since 1970, DID has actively supported the caisse populaire network in developing countries, particularly in Senegal. As a result, inclusive financial institutions supported by DID have 2,974 points of service: to provide quality financial services to people who are often left behind by traditional banks. Together, they provide secure and diversified financial services to 10.9 million families and entrepreneurs. Alphonse Desjardins's vision was for the cooperative movement to become a valuable development tool for communities all over the world. And it has.
You have been enjoying dairy products since you were a baby. In fact, advertising confirms it. But did you know that your milk and its derivatives are mostly from coops? Farming cooperatives transform and market 64% of milk, and 54% of industrial milk into yoghurt, cheese and butter. Natrel - External link. This link will open in a new window and Nutrinor (site in French only) - External link. This link will open in a new window have a lot to say on the subject.
Does this word make you laugh? Good! Your zygomatic muscles, which run from your cheekbones to the corners of your mouth, are working. Aylmer and Sainte-Thècle residents (in the Mauricie) are also exercising these muscles because they have been all-smiles since the inception of a health cooperative - External link. This link will open in a new window in their area, where doctors don't only heal small scrapes and serious illnesses. They also focus on education, information and prevention to encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyles.