- Jimmy Jean, Vice-President, Chief Economist and Strategist, Florence Jean-Jacobs, Principal Economist, Marc Desormeaux, Principal Economist, and Kari Norman, Economist
Economic Viewpoint
Will Canada Unleash AI’s Productivity Potential, or Sit Too Long on the Sidelines?
June 13, 2024
- In this report, we assess the immense opportunities and potential risks presented by artificial intelligence (AI) and what they could mean for Canada’s economy.
- Most studies find that over half of all jobs in advanced economies are exposed to AI. But we should be wary of predictions of major layoffs across the board. AI has the potential to create new occupations and tasks. The transition will require public involvement, including for upskilling current and future workers.
- AI’s productivity gains are beginning to show anecdotally in some industries, but a society-wide improvement on this front is likely still a few decades away.
- AI also introduces a range of challenges, limitations and risks. These include the potential for technological disparities between larger and smaller firms, financial market volatility, cybersecurity concerns, threats to critical infrastructure and political interference. Managing these risks will require careful consideration paired with strategic and agile policymaking.
- Regulation and policymaking for the AI era are still in their early stages, but legislation recently enacted in the European Union may serve as a blueprint for other countries. Canada does not currently have an AI‑specific regulatory framework in place, but one is being reviewed in the House of Commons.
- Canada is a world leader in AI research but lags many of its international peers with respect to early AI adoption and commercialization.
- While Canada boasts top AI talent, its AI ecosystem was not built with adoption in mind, and that is where action is clearly needed. Greater adoption of AI by government bodies to tackle social and environmental issues could accelerate startup creation and drive commercialization of made-in-Canada AI solutions.
- Ultimately, to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges, it will be imperative to combine the best aspects of human intelligence and creativity with the power of AI.
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NOTE TO READERS: The letters k, M and B are used in texts, graphs and tables to refer to thousands, millions and billions respectively.
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