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Prepare for a hassle-free move

May 5, 2023

Did you just buy a home or sign the lease on a new apartment? Follow this handy guide to a hassle-free move. Yes, it is possible!

Home, condo, apartment: if you have a big move coming up, planning and organization are key to reducing stress and making sure everything goes smoothly.

Starting now or 90 days before 

First step: Decide on a moving date. Next up: book a moving company or enlist your friends’ help. 


If you’re getting friends or family members to pitch in, start reaching out:

  • Be specific with your requests (responsibilities, time, expectations) 
  • Some friends may have a vehicle, tools or handy equipment
  • Split up roles and responsibilities (such as transportation, cleaning and meals)
  • For bigger jobs, it might be a good idea to hire outside help

If you're renting a truck or van:

  • Compare prices between rental companies
  • Make sure you're clear on what’s provided: dollies, straps, insurance coverages and so on.
  • Get the total price after taxes, insurance and other fees

Book your team of professionals sooner rather than later and make sure you get:

  • An estimate of total costs, after taxes
  • The number of hours and workers included:
  • Proof that the movers are insured (for damage and liability)


You can save money by booking during less busy periods.

Comparing quotes will help you get a better price.

60 days before 

Plan address changes

Start by take a full inventory of all mail you receive, including any you don't get very often.  Be sure to make a list of companies you need to contact to update your information.

For example:

  • Employer
  • Federal and provincial governments, provincial health insurance pan and licence
  • Telecommunications providers (phone, TV and so on)
  • Home and auto insurance companies
  • Life, health and disability Insurance companies
  • Financial institution
  • Subscriptions, clubs, etc.

Did you know?

In Quebec, you can contact the Service québécois de changement d’adresse . ServiceOntario offers a similar service in Ontario.

Canada Post offers mail-forwarding services. Find out more!

Start packing

It's never too early. By starting with seasonal items and other things you don't use very often, you'll be more relaxed the day before the move. Now's the perfect time to sort through all your stuff. Go through every room and closet and consider tossing anything you haven't worn or used in 2 years.

Tips for safe, effective labeling

  • Be sure to label all of your boxes on multiple sides (living room, bedroom, kitchen – plates and so on). That way, the movers will know where to put things and you won't have to move them around afterwards.
  • For professional movers , heavy boxes make for more efficient moving between home and truck.
  • Put all your valuables or fragile items in a special place so you can take them with you in the car .

45 days before 

Now's the time to update your home and auto insurance policies, as your insurance needs are changing.

It’s essential that you inform your insurer of a change of address  Your home and auto insurance needs and premium depend on many factors, including your new address.


Here are some things you should mention to your insurer:

You’re now working from home

New coverages might be added to your home insurance to cover liability for your property and professional activities.  Using your car less could have an impact on your auto insurance premium.


You’re planning to do work on your home

Notify your insurer before starting any renovation projects. They'll tell you about any extra coverages you'll need while the work is being done. You'll also need to update your file once the renovations are complete.

Are you installing a system to prevent theft, fire or water damage?

Having a centrally monitored fire alarm, anti-theft, or water damage prevention system could reduce your home insurance premium. For the opposite reason, you should tell your insurer if you’re removing the system.

You have another tenant:

Add them to the policy and share the cost of the premium! Take their property into consideration to make sure your coverages cover the value of the entire household’s property. If you’re moving out, make sure to notify them! Your insurer should contact the other tenant to update the policy after you leave.

Protected at both addresses during the move

Plan to gradually start moving over many days? When you have home insurance, your belongings are covered during your entire move, including at your old and new addresses and on the road. This coverage kicks in as soon as the first item is moved and lasts for up to 30 consecutive days. Your insurer will provide more details.

30 days before

Now's the time to pick up the pace and get those boxes packed.  Do you have enough boxes?  Do you have the right tools ? Packing tape, markers, measuring tape, packaging for fragile items?

Take advantage of this opportunity to explore your new neighbourhood, find out what businesses are nearby and look into transferring pharmacy, dental and other records. You might also want to find a few good food delivery places.

The day before

  • Confirm the time with your moving team.
  • Prepare water and snacks
  • Finish packing and put boxes near the door
  • Arrange for key drop-off and pickup
  • Make sure you have important documents, like your lease and insurance papers, on hand
  • Prepare a small bag of things you'll need right away so you can easily find them without having to rummage through boxes.

During the move

It's the big day! You’re almost there! In a few hours, you’ll be in your new home,It will probably be a long day, and you'll be happy you took the time to get organized. Be sure to thank everyone who helps you.

Covered the day of the move

Whether you're a tenant, condo owner or homeowner, home insurance will cover you the day you move.  If a friend or family member trips and injures themselves during the move, liability coverage included in your home insurance could come into play. En effet, si votre responsabilité civile devait être engagée à la suite d’un incident de ce genre, votre assurance vous protègerait.

If your TV falls on the freshly waxed floors or a gallon of paint spills on the sidewalk, the damage could be covered thanks to your home insurance.

Remember to change your address 

Ah! Home sweet home. It’s time to celebrate and also make a list of institutions to contact to let them know your new address if you havent’t already. 

Update your address

If you're a Desjardins member, you can use our online services to update your accounts, credit cards and insurance whenever it’s convenient for you, so you can get back to what’s most important: settling into your new home! 

To find out how to update your personal information:

  • Accounts and credit cards, Insurance Home and Auto
  • Life health and disability insurance 1 888 558-5525

In the meantime, good luck with the move and all the best as you settle into your new home!

Desjardins Insurance refers to Desjardins General Insurance Inc. Certain conditions, exclusions and limitations may apply. Desjardins Insurance® and its logo are trademarks of the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec, used under licence. These tips are provided for information and prevention purposes only. They are general in nature, and Desjardins Insurance cannot be held liable for them. We recommend using caution and consulting an expert for comprehensive, tailored advice.