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Economic News

United States: Annual Inflation Slowed in July

August 10, 2022
Benoit P. Durocher
Director and Principal Economist

Summary of the publication

The US consumer price index (CPI) was unchanged in July after rising 1.3% in June. This is the smallest monthly price change since early May 2020 at the height of the pandemic.

Gasoline prices fell 7.6% in July, offsetting higher prices for food (+1.1%) and shelter (+0.5%).

Core CPI, which strips out food and energy, rose 0.3%. 

The all items index increased 8.5% for the 12 months ending July, less than the 9.1% advance in June. Core CPI rose 5.9%, unchanged from last month.

PDF Publication Indicateurs économiques de la semaine du 18 au 22 juillet 2022

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