- François Dupuis, Vice-President and Chief Economist
Mathieu D’Anjou, Deputy Chief Economist • Joëlle Noreau, Senior Economist
Quebec Exports: Does Technology Have a Bigger Role?
Is there more technology in Quebec’s exports than in the past? This is what we want, at a time when technology is getting into every sphere of activity and is often presented as a clear asset for governments that want to be leaders. According to the available data, it seems that Quebec is doing better than before. Note that the aerospace sector has a big weight in this. However, it would be reductive to boil the province down to a single sector with a high-tech content, no matter how important it is. The data shows that a lot of progress has been made in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada in a few decades. Seeing the factors that played a role shows that we must keep up our effort, because competition is lively. Research and development (R&D) efforts must be increased and lead to patents and commercial innovations. The science and technical professions must also be appealing to young people. Quebec needs graduates who are experienced with the new technologies. Quebec’s future as a high-tech exporter is not the sole prerogative of goods production. On the service side, a lot remains to be showcased and exported.The English version of this publication will be available shortly.