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Economic Viewpoint

The November 3 Election and the U.S. Economy part one

October 22, 2020
François Dupuis, Vice-President and Chief Economist • Mathieu D’Anjou, Deputy Chief Economist • Francis Généreux, Senior Economist

Donald Trump’s first term as President of the United States was eventful. Once settled into the White House and aided by a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, President Donald Trump delivered on the key promises made during the 2016 election campaign, including the introduction of a more protectionist trade policy, significant tax cuts and a sustained deregulation effort. Overall, however, these measures have not had the positive effects on economic growth that had been promised. Of course, the COVID-19 crisis recently tarnished the Trump Administration’s economic record dramatically. The second part of our analysis of the 2020 presidential election will focus on the issues of the current campaign and on the candidates’ platforms.

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