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Economic Viewpoint

Why Do Gold Prices Keep Setting New Records?

June 19, 2024
Marc-Antoine Dumont
Senior Economist

  • In this Economic Viewpoint, we'll be looking at what's behind the recent surge in gold prices.
  • While a number of factors have contributed, there's no one clear reason we can point to. Uncertainty often pushes prices up—but the risks of a recession or stock market correction have softened lately. Geopolitical tensions remain heightened, but aren't enough to support such a gain.
  • Central bank demand for gold has also ballooned over the last five years, from 14% to 23% of total gold demand. While de-dollarization  has spurred some of this demand, with countries seeking to protect themselves against any weaponization of the US dollar, this support is merely reinforcing the trend that began after the 2008 financial crisis.
  • The usual economic indicators—inflation, the US dollar, stock indexes and US 10-year Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities yields —are no longer providing any real explanation for gold's performance. In fact, the historical relationship between real yields and gold prices seems to have broken down.
  • We believe that as inflation converges toward central bank targets and interest rates are cut, especially in 2025, the price of gold should gradually lower. All of this puts our end-of-year forecasts at US$2,100 per ounce for 2024 and US$1,900 per ounce for 2025.

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