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Economic Viewpoint

StatCan’s New Population Projections Point to Larger Federal Deficits Ahead

July 25, 2024
Randall Bartlett
Senior Director of Canadian Economics

Statistics Canada’s latest population projections raised some eyebrows thanks to downward revisions resulting from a sharp reduction in non-permanent residents (NPRs).

Assuming the federal government is successful in reducing the number of NPRs in Canada’s total population over the next three years, working-age population growth would be much lower than expected in Budget 2024.

According to our research, slower population growth due to fewer NPR admissions will reduce both real GDP growth and inflation, thereby weighing on nominal GDP—the broadest measure of the tax base.

If the federal government reaches its intended goal of fewer NPRs, the resulting lower revenues should lead to larger deficits and higher debt. Indeed, the federal debt-to-GDP ratio could end the next five years at a higher level than in Budget 2024’s downside scenario.

Add to this additional spending not included in Budget 2024, such as the recently announced increase in defence spending, and the federal government’s fiscal anchors are very much at risk.

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