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The Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Sector: A Little-Known Economic Player

March 5, 2020
François Dupuis, Vice-President and Chief Economist
Mathieu D’Anjou, Deputy Chief Economist • Joëlle Noreau, Senior Economist

Why take an interest in this economic sector, which accounts for less than 1% of Quebec’s real gross domestic product (GDP)? Mainly because growth in the number of salaried workers in this sector is outpacing that of Quebec and because it has activities in all, or nearly all, of the province’s municipalities. For now, the economic parameters are favourable to these activities. However, some structural factors, such as ageing of the population and workforce, consumer preferences and anticipated climate change, could be game-changing. We cannot work based on what happened in previous decades. Competition to corner the portion of the household budget dedicated to arts, entrainment and recreation is also fierce, and client requirements are high. Therein lie some formidable challenges.