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Respon­sible finance products and services 

Sustainable solutions for your projects

With Desjardins Solutions for a Sustainable Future, you can invest your money according to your values. Get financing to buy, build or renovate an eco-friendly home or to purchase an electric or hybrid vehicle.

Responsible investing

Our responsible investment (RI) products let you invest according to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria.

Sustainable Funds and Portfolios

Choose responsible funds that offer good return potential on your investments but also have a positive impact on society and the planet.Go to note 1

Responsible investing with market-linked guaranteed investments

Without risking your capital, tap into the growth potential of companies carefully selected for their ESG commitment.Go to note 2

Guaranteed Investment Funds under the Helios2 Contract

With responsible investment funds, your investments are protected from market downturns and benefit from upturns.

Responsible annuities

Get a responsible annuity, and receive a regular income for a set period of time or until death.


Sustainable Home Program

Earn up to $2,000 cash back when you buy or build a new eco-friendly home, or get $500 cash back for sustainable renovation projects.Go to note 3,Go to note 4


Desjardins Auto Loan – Electric and hybrid option

Get financing to buy a hybrid or electric vehicle.Go to note 5

Alter­native trans­portation rewards

With an eligible credit card, you may earn rewards for using certain alternative transportation methods.

More responsible finance initiatives

Sustainable devel­opment

Learn about our commitment to a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Learn more about sustainable development

Impact investing and the Aequitas Fund

Through Aequitas, we support gender equality, fight climate change and work to achieve other UN sustainable development goals.

Learn more about impact investing and the Aequitas Fund

Responsible finance tips

See how your financial decisions can do good for society and the environment and learn more about sustainable development. 

Responsible finance tips

Desjardins Funds are not guaranteed, their value fluctuates frequently, and their past performance is not indicative of their future returns. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses may be associated with mutual fund investments. Read the prospectus before investing. Desjardins Funds are offered by registered dealers.
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Before investing, you should read the Investment Agreement. In the event of a discrepancy between this site and the Investment Agreement, the Investment Agreement will prevail. The return may be nil at maturity. Your capital is always guaranteed at maturity.
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Subject to credit approval by Desjardins.
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This offer may change or be revoked at any time.
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Some conditions, exclusions and limitations apply. Rates may vary depending on type of vehicle, loan amount and term, and your credit score. Rates and promotions may change at any time without notice. Subject to credit approval by the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec.
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