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International development

Supporting the shift to a green economy in Guinea: a key project for sustainability and inclusive growth

February 27, 2025

Guinea, a country with great agricultural potential, faces major challenges in ensuring the sustainability and resilience of its agricultural sector. While agriculture accounts for around 20% of GDP and employs nearly 70% of the working population, productivity remains insufficient, notably due to climatic hazards and limited access to sustainable agricultural technologies, adapted financial services (only 10% of Guinean farmers have access to formal financial services) and effective entrepreneurial support.

In this context, the transition to a green economy is essential to ensure inclusive and sustainable growth, while preserving natural resources and meeting the growing need for food among the population. The new project we will be carrying out with the financial support of the Belgian government, through the Belgian development agency (Enabel), is fully in line with this dynamic. 

The main goal of this project is to give farmers the means to boost their agricultural productivity in a sustainable way, by encouraging innovation in farming practices and the adoption of nature-based solutions, such as sustainable soil and water management. The focus will be on the pineapple, potato and market gardening strategic value chains, all key sectors for Guinean agriculture.

Financial inclusion and agribusiness support will be at the heart of the project, enabling farmers to invest in more sustainable practices and actively participate in the green transition. 

A partnership approach to ensure lasting impact

The project, which will cover the Conakry-Kindia-Mamou axis and run until June 2027, will be carried out in close collaboration with several Guinean inclusive finance institutions and farmers' organizations. In addition to contributing their own financial, human and material resources to the project's objectives, these local stakeholders will play a central role in ensuring that the proposed solutions are well adopted and that the actions undertaken are sustainable.

With these partners, we will implement several strategic initiatives:

  • Adapt and strengthen the range of financial services dedicated to sustainable agriculture and the green economy, by increasing the coverage of financial services in rural areas and developing financial products specific to the needs of farmers, especially women and young people.
  • Offer agri-entrepreneurs local support services to build their capacities and help them gain easier access to the financing they need.
  • Reduce the financial risks associated with agriculture by setting up new risk mitigation mechanisms and facilitating access to existing guarantee funds, so as to promote access to agricultural credit and stimulate investment in ecological and profitable practices.
  • Facilitate access to agricultural inputs for farmers' organizations by setting up innovative mechanisms to ensure regular supplies at competitive prices, especially for eco-friendly seeds and fertilizers.
  • Set up an innovation and investment subsidy scheme to encourage local entrepreneurial initiatives aimed at strengthening value chains with a view to sustainable agriculture.


By combining these promising initiatives, the project will sustainably improve the resilience, competitiveness and livelihoods of agro-entrepreneurs, particularly women and young people. It will contribute to the creation of decent, quality jobs and food security for the Guinean population, while supporting the green shift needed to overcome climate challenges and propel inclusive, sustainable growth.