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International development

A research partnership with HEC Montréal

April 28, 2020

Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) recently awarded a research grant of nearly $200,000 to HEC Montréal. The goal is to work with DID to set up a partnership between the research community and key development stakeholders from 3 countries where DID is active: Haiti, Colombia and Tunisia.

The funds will be awarded over the next 3 years. In the shortterm, it will contribute to the efforts of DID and its partners to increase and share their knowledge of entrepreneurial ecosystems and challenges in terms of scalability for entrepreneurs.

DID and HEC Montréal have several partners in many countries to help carry out this bold research.


  • University of Alberta


  • Interactuar
  • EAFIT University

United States

  • Pennsylvania State University
  • Portland State University


  • Banque de la République d'Haïti
  • Fonds de développement Industriel
  • Université d'État d'Haïti
  • Université Quisqueya


  • Centre Financier aux Entrepreneurs
  • Institut des hautes études commerciales de Carthage