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May 18, 2022

Join Valérie Chevalier and watch this video to learn how the School Tour External link. This link will open in a new window. Vehicube has moved 300,000 elementary school students over more than a decade. Le Grand défi Pierre Lavoie is supported by Desjardins's Together For Our Youth program. The tour has already visited more than 1,200 schools, mainly in Quebec.

An original approach to promoting healthy eating and raising awareness about the importance of exercise. See for yourself! 

Description Transcript
Vehicube School Tour - Le Grand défi Pierre Lavoie


Join Valérie Chevalier and watch this video to learn how the School Tour vehicle has moved 300,000 elementary school students over more than a decade. Le Grand défi Pierre Lavoie is supported by Desjardins's Together For Our Youth program. The tour has already visited more than 1,200 schools, mainly in Quebec. An original approach to promoting healthy eating and raising awareness about the importance of exercise. See for yourself!

Vehicube School Tour - Le Grand défi Pierre Lavoie

[Valérie Chevalier is standing outside the vehicube; the weather is rainy.]

[On-screen text: Valérie Chevalier,

host and author]

Valérie Chevalier: Today, I'm discovering the vehicube used for the Grand défi Pierre Lavoie School Tour.

The vehicube has been touring Quebec, and today it stopped in the Montérégie. The goal is to get young people moving, and just because it's raining, that doesn't mean we're not going to put a little sunshine in their day!

[The vehicube crosses a bridge.]

[Valérie stands outside in front of the vehicube.]

[On-screen text: School Tour 

Presented by Desjardins]

[Background music]

[The vehicube and its trailer are parked in front of an elementary school.]

[On-screen text: Jardin-Bienville elementary school, Montérégie, QC]

[On-screen text :1,200 schools]

Valérie: Since 2008, the School Tour has visited more than 1,200 elementary schools and gotten 300,000 young people moving.

[Corridor inside the school.]

[On-screen text: 300,000 youth]

[Children in the gym playing sports.]

Valérie: With the support of Desjardins, the entire vehicube was overhauled by Quebec companies.

[Work being done in the vehicube. A technician then looks at a diagram of the vehicube on a computer screen.]

Valérie: This new version of the vehicube can accommodate twice as many students as the previous one.

[Renovated interior of the vehicube containing bicycles.]

[On-screen text: Twice as many young people]

[Valérie and Jeanne are inside the vehicube.]

Valérie: Jeanne, you take care of the Tour across Quebec.

Jeanne: Yes!

[On-screen text: Jeanne,

School Tour coordinator]

Valérie: What's going on?

Jeanne: Here, we're in one of the Space Vehicube's 2 modules. It's where we do activities on nutrition, hydration... We have 4 games where kids can really have fun while learning a lot about healthy eating. And all this is in an enjoyable way, of course!

[Vehicube logo appears, children doing activities inside the vehicube.]

[Valérie and Jeanne are inside the vehicube.]

Jeanne: The other side of our big trailer is where we have all our bikes, so it's more physical activity.

[Children riding stationary bikes inside the vehicube's trailer.]

[Background music] 

[2 children and Valérie are inside a room in the school.]

[On-screen text: Mamoun – Grade 5 student

Chloé – Grade 5 student]

Valérie: Mamoun, Chloé, you just visited the vehicube. 

Mamoun and Chloé: Yes.

Valérie: So how was it?

Chloe: It was really cool!

Valérie: What's the one thing you learned about today that's good for your health?

Chloe: We need to have as many fruits and vegetables as possible on our plate.

Mamoun: At least half.

Valérie: At least half? OK. Is that the case at home right now?

Mamoun and Chloé: Yes, we try! 

Valérie: You try? OK, OK!

Chloe: Yes, we try! We really do!

Valérie: OK, you'd get a good grade. Your parents have a good grade on their parent report card! 

Chloe: Yes.

Valérie: OK.

[Valérie and Josée are inside a gym.]

Valérie: Josée, you're a gym teacher. How do the students react when they come out of the vehicube or when they've just experienced the activity?

[On-screen text: Josée

gym teacher]

Josée: Well, all the students I saw today were super happy... big smiles!

Valérie: You can see the smiles peeking out of the masks a little?

Josée: Yes, in the eyes. As they say: smile with your eyes, it makes you happy! I think we saw that when they came out earlier.

[Valérie standing and the children sitting on their stationary bikes inside the vehicube.]

Valérie: Was it fun? 

The children: Yes!

[Valérie is back outside in front of the vehicube.]

Valérie: Did you get as excited about the vehicube as I did and would you like it to stop in your area? Go to

[On-screen text:]

I'll be leaving you now, I'm going back to my stationary space bike. Bye!

[Background music]

[The children are sitting on their stationary bikes with Valérie.]

[On-screen text: Together For Our Youth]

[The Desjardins logo appears on a green background.]

[On-screen text: Desjardins]