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International development

Haiti: PANSEH ends with excellent results despite a difficult context

June 9, 2020

In April 2020, the National Support Program for Organizing Haitian Entrepreneurship (PANSEH) ended after six and a half years. Financed by Global Affairs Canada in the amount of CAN$19,504,600 Canadian dollarsand carried out in collaboration with the Haitian Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI), PANSEH contributed to the country's economic growth by supporting the implementation of a business environment fostering investment, productivity and job creation among Haitian micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).

Since 2013, PANSEH helped strengthen the financial products and services offered, support the implementation of a business centre within the financial cooperative network Le Levier, solidify the non-financial services offered to MSMEs and guide the Haitian government in implementing a business environment that fosters the development of Haitian entrepreneurship.

In six and a half years, PANSEH helped:

  • Grant 3,222 loans to MSMEs, including 1,647 to women entrepreneurs
  • Support 494 MSMEs in their start-up and growth phases through non-financial services
  • Provide technical assistance to 6 financial institutions by training 36 credit agents specializing in credit to entrepreneurs
  • Disburse 472 loans through entrepreneur financial centres implemented within the Le Levier network despite a difficult socio-political environment
  • Adopt incentives and guidelines to foster the formalization and development of MSMEs
  • Formalize 149 businesses
  • Increase by 17% the number of jobs created by the MSMEs being coached

PANSEH as seen by its partners and beneficiaries

"There are simply not enough words to express our joy and gratitude for this partnership over the last few years. We hope that there will be other projects of the same scale soon in Haiti."

– Daniella Jacques
President of the Chambre de Commerce des Femmes Entrepreneures d'Haïti (CCFEH)

"Entrepreneurs really appreciated the project and feel that it has greatly impacted their lives."

– Prophète Fils-Aimé
Manager of the Société coopérative Lavi Miyò (SOCOLAVIM), a Le Levier network member caisse

"PANSEH taught me to take advantage of all opportunities despite the socio-political conditions. I owe more to this initiative than to anything else."

– Marie-Andrée Armand
Owner of Arma Créations, a company that won the environment prize for the Antrepriz Paw contest