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Assistance programs

Get free, confidential, professional services 24/7.

Ask your employer if your plan includes these services.

Employee assistance program (EAP)

You and your family can benefit from confidential assistance and problem-solving services to help you overcome challenges and get back on track.

Comprehensive support

  • Up to 12 hours of counselling in person, by phone or online: personal, relationship or family problems, issues with addiction, problems at work, etc.

  • Phone consultations: legal or financial problems, eldercare and childcare support.

  • 3 hours of parenting support to help children plan and prepare for school.

1-877-455-3561  Phone number for the Desjardins Insurance health and wellness line. This link opens your phone app.

Manager assistance program (MAP)

If you're referred to this assistance program, you can benefit from up to 4 hours of confidential assistance and problem-solving services, online or by phone, to help you get back on your feet again.

This is a referral-only service.

1-877-455-3561  Phone number for the Desjardins Insurance health and wellness line. This link opens your phone app.

Health assistance

This is a 24/7 telephone assistance service you can turn to for help. Get answers to questions about:

  • Fitness and nutrition

  • Vaccinations

  • Childcare

  • Local healthcare resources

This service is offered free of charge if your insurance plan includes our extended healthcare benefit.Go to note 1

1-877-875-2632 Phone number for the Desjardins Insurance health and wellness line. This link opens your phone app.

Convalescence assistance

This is a 24/7 telephone assistance service that can direct you to local resources to help with your recovery, such as:

  • Home nursing care

  • Meals on wheels

  • Chores and home maintenance

  • Private convalescent centres

You can call any time. Our experienced team will evaluate your particular situation, put you in touch with the healthcare services, doctors and private healthcare providers you need and provide other support, as needed.

This service is offered free of charge if your group insurance plan includes our home care insurance.

1-877-875-2632 Phone number for the Desjardins Insurance health and wellness line. This link opens your phone app.

The extended healthcare benefit includes supplementary healthcare, vision care, home care, and prescription drug insurance, as well as travel and trip cancellation insurance.
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