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How to cancel an Interac e-Transfer

Cancel an Interac e-Transfer® on AccèsD from your mobile device or computer.


Mobile app

  1. Log in to the Desjardins mobile services app, then select Transactions.

  2. On the Transactions page, select Interac e-transfers.

  3. On the next page, select Manage active e-Transfers.

  4. Select the transfer you want to cancel.

  5. Select Cancel e-Transfer on the information page.

  6. Select Cancel e-Transfer again.

  7. Choose the deposit account, then select Next.

  8. Write a message to your recipient (optional), and select Confirm to cancel the Interac e-Transfer and retrieve the funds.

Web browser

  1. Log in to AccèsD. On the home page, select Transfers.

  2. Select Interac transfers.

  3. On the next page, select the Manage active e-Transfers tab.

  4. Select the transfer you want to cancel.

  5. Select Cancel e-Transfer on the information page.

  6. Select Cancel e-Transfer again.

  7. Choose the deposit account, then select Confirm to cancel the e-Transfer and retrieve the funds.

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Interac® and Interac e-Transfer® are registered trademarks of Interac Corp. Used under licence.