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Security FAQ

Questions about credit card security? Learn more about credit card fraud and payment security.

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No. The Zero Liability policy eliminates your liability for fraudulent transactions on your Desjardins debit or credit card. You get refunded for any fraudulent transaction made using your card.

If you see any suspicious purchases on your card, let us know right away.

Learn more about refunds in the event of fraud

Yes. The Lock card feature on AccèsD allows you to freeze your credit card so it can't be used if you think you misplaced or lost it, or if it was stolen.

As long as you haven't notified us that your card was lost or stolen, you can unlock it on AccèsD at any time.

How to lock your card
  1. Log in to AccèsD.
  2. Under Cards, loans and credit, select your credit card. If you use the Desjardins mobile services app, select Accounts under Quick access and then select your credit card.
  3. Select Manage card.
  4. Beside Lock card, slide the toggle to the right and accept the terms of use.

Learn more about the Lock card feature

Yes. We may send you a text message to verify a suspicious credit card transaction. Answer "Yes" or "No" to tell us if you authorized the charge.

To get these alerts, you need to have a cellphone number in your credit card file. Note that we never ask for personal or confidential information in these types of messages.

Learn more about security alerts

Yes, we do send out this type of email. Since August 1, 2019, the Consumer Protection Actrequires that such notices be posted or emailed to all cardholders with a transaction on their credit card account that has caused them to exceed their credit limit.

We never ask you to provide or confirm personal information by email.

Learn more about spotting fraudulent emails and phishing

Security code

The security code is the 3-digit number on the back of your credit card. The security code is a way for merchants to check that you have the card in hand when making purchases online or over the phone. This feature is safe to use for your purchases.

Payment security

Yes. You can only use tap to pay for purchases of $250 or less, within merchant limits. If your purchase is over the limit, you must insert your credit card and enter your PIN to complete the transaction.

Also note that if you lose your card and fraudulent transactions are made, the Zero Liability policy eliminates your liability for unauthorized transactions. You get a refund for fraudulent transactions made with your card.

Learn more about refunds in the event of fraud

Click to Pay is a feature that lets you store your payment information securely and check out faster when you shop online. You no longer have to enter your billing information, delivery address and credit card information.

Get going with Visa Click to Pay (formerly Visa Checkout).

Learn more about Visa Click to Pay External link

Learn more about Mastercard Click to Pay External link

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