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Omni mobile app

Access your group benefits and retirement savings plans on the go.

Health and financial wellness at your fingertips

Omni is our mobile app for group retirement savings and group benefits plan members. Some of the things you can do:

  • Submit all your healthcare claims
  • Make retirement savings transactions
  • Access tools and resources, such as articles and webinars

Download the Omni app

Description Transcript

Everything you need in one mobile app

0 min 50 s seconds

Discover everything Omni mobile app has to offer.

Everything you need in one mobile app

Note: The information in brackets describes the audio and visual content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.

[Background music]

[On-screen text: Omni from Desjardins]

[Images of people using their cellphones appear. The camera zooms out to reveal that the images are actually on the screen of a cellphone.]

The word "omni" means all.

[The Omni app logo appears in the middle of a cellphone screen.]

And now, the Omni app does it all. Introducing Omni from Desjardins.

[Close-up of a man's hand holding a cellphone. His thumb scrolls on the phone screen. Images of eyeglasses and a sailboat appear above the cellphone.]

The all-in-one way to access your group benefits and group retirement savings accounts.

[A doctor is consulting with a patient whose back is facing us. An image of a clipboard with first a prescription, then a dollar sign, then a checkmark appears.]

Use it to file a healthcare claim, check drug costs in seconds …

[Close-up of a doctor's hand writing on a piece of paper.]

… and see if your prescription is covered.

[A young couple is walking in front of a house with a "For Sale" sign on the lawn. An image of a calendar appears. The calendar image flips. Another young couple is painting a room. The calendar image flips again. An older couple is paddling in a canoe.]

You can also use Omni to set your financial goals …

[Close-up of a man tapping on his cellphone as images of dollar signs, a bar graph, a beating heart icon and a lotus flower icon appear above the cellphone.]

 ... contribute to your savings plan, see your savings balance, get tips and tools to better manage your health and finances, and more.

[A man is sitting in his home office using his cellphone.]

It's fast, intuitive and convenient.

[A woman is standing outdoors looking at her cellphone with a view of the city in the background. She glances up with a look of contentment on her face.]

So, you can do it all in one easy-to-use app from Desjardins.

[We see a cellphone screen with a white background. The App Store and Google Play logos appear in the centre of the phone.]

Download Omni today from the App Store or get it on Google Play.

[The Omni app logo appears on the phone screen with 2 green bars framing it.]

And there you have it! Health and financial wellness at your fingertips.

[Background music ends]
[Desjardins jingle]
[On-screen logo: Desjardins Insurance]

[On-screen text:
Desjardins Insurance
Life Health Retirement]

[On-screen footnote:

Desjardins Insurance refers to Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company.

Desjardins, Desjardins Insurance and related trademarks are trademarks of the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec used under licence by Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company.

200, rue des Commandeurs, Lévis (QC) G6V 6R2 / 1-866-647-5013


Apple and the Apple logo are registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.]

End of transcript

What you can do in Omni

Once you're logged in securely, you can:

Group insurance

  • Submit claims quickly
  • Access your claims history
  • Display your payment card to present it to a healthcare professional
  • Sign up for direct deposit
  • Access other services (telemedicine, Health is Cool 360° platform, etc.) if included in your plan

Group retirement savings

  • Enroll and contribute to your plan
  • Set savings goals and choose your beneficiaries
  • View statements, account details and rates of return
  • Visit the Financial Wellness Centre for tips and tools
  • Sign up for webinars on topics like savings, finances and retirement
Group insurance products are manufactured by Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company.
Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company acts as an issuer, service provider or administrator, as the case may be, of the group retirement savings plans.

Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries and regions. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.