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Choosing a group retirement savings plan

To choose the right group retirement savings plan, the first step is determining the needs of your business and your employees.

Your needs


Group RRSP

Group TFSA



Make contributions to your employees' pension plan

Lock in funds until retirement

-- Not offered-- Not offered-- Not offered

Increase your contribution when an employee increases theirs

-- Not offered

Make contributions only if your company makes a profit

-- Not offered-- Not offered-- Not offered

Adjust your contributions based on employee performance

-- Not offered-- Not offered-- Not offered

Give your employees immediate ownership rights to your contributions

Learn more about our group savings plans

Contact us

Setting up a plan

Montreal area:
1-800-363-3072 Phone number to set up a group retirement savings plan for the Montreal area. This link opens your phone app.

Quebec City area:
1-877-828-7800 Phone number to set up a group retirement savings plan for the Quebec City area. This link opens your phone app.

Help with an existing plan

Monday to Friday: 8 AM to 8 PM

1-888-510-4762 Phone number for customer service for group retirement savings. This link opens your phone app.

Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company acts as an issuer, service provider or administrator, as the case may be, of the group retirement savings plans.

This text is for information purposes only. Refer to the policy for all conditions, exclusions and restrictions.