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Agriculture loans and financing

Get support and customized financing to help grow your farm business.

A local partner

We have agriculture specialists located all over Quebec and Ontario. No matter what type of farm you run or how big it is, you’ll have an account manager by your side to help you succeed.

We take the time to get to know you and understand your needs and challenges. From there, we can provide the support you need to achieve your goals.

A financing strategy that’s right for your farm

Whether you’re starting, growing or transferring your business, we can help you achieve your short-, medium- and long-term goals.

Start your own farm

Ready to turn your dream of owning a farm into reality? We’ll help you start a new farm business and set it up for success with:

  • Tools and resources that support your needs
  • Advice and information about government programs

Grow your farm business

Achieve your business goals while maintaining enough cash to cover day-to-day expenses. For example, you may be looking to:

  • Upgrade your buildings and equipment 
  • Buy farm land, quotas, animals or machinery 
  • Optimize or automate your operations 
  • Innovate by making your business more sustainable or improving productivity 
  • Diversify by growing a new crop, raising other livestock or venturing into food processing

Transfer or take over a farm business

A successful farm transfer requires careful planning and a structured approach. We’ll help make the future more secure for both you and your farm by offering:

  • Support with finances and guidance for everyone involved
  • Financial strategies and solutions tailored to your needs

Flexible financing options

Our financing solutions are tailored to your unique needs, with flexible payment terms to support your profitability and long-term success.

Prêts à terme

Term loan

Finance major expenses to help grow your farm business.

Revolving credit for agriculture

Get flexible preauthorized credit to invest in your farm’s development and stability.

Line of credit

Access short-term, flexible financing to maintain operations during periods of reduced income.

Secured farm loan

Get a loan guaranteed by the FADQ (Financière agricole du Québec) with a discounted interest rate.

Looking to start an agri-food business?

We can help with practical support, simple management tools and solutions specific to this industry.

Protect your wealth

We offer products and services to protect the value of your estate and secure your loved ones' future.

Forfait Visa* Solutions Libre-Affaires

Si vous avez besoin de 100 000 $ ou moins, ce forfait est une solution complète pour faciliter vos opérations quotidiennes.

Voir le forfait Visa Solutions Libre-Affaires

Marge de crédit d’exploitation

Cette marge de crédit vous permet de financer vos comptes clients et de vous protéger contre les risques d’insuffisance de fonds.

Voir la marge de crédit d’exploitation

Wealth management

Our team offers a turnkey service to help you preserve and pass on your wealth.

Learn more about wealth management.


Our comprehensive range of life, health and credit insurance products are designed to protect your assets and income.

Learn more about business insurance.

An active partner in the industry

Our support for farmers goes beyond the financial. That's why we're actively involved in a number of organizations in the agricultural industry. Here are a few examples:

Open a business account

Streamline your day-to-day operations and finances with a dedicated business account.

Optimisez la gestion de votre entreprise

Solutions pour les employeurs

Découvrez les solutions qui simplifient votre quotidien et vous permettent de prendre soin de votre personnel.

En savoir plus sur la gestion de la paie et du personnel

Gestion des comptes clients

Nous offrons plusieurs services pour optimiser vos flux de trésorerie et améliorer votre gestion des comptes clients.

En savoir plus sur la gestion des comptes clients

Commerce international

Vos projets n’ont pas de frontières. Développez de nouveaux marchés à l’étranger avec nos outils et services.

En savoir plus sur le commerce international

Business management solutions

Solutions for employers

Find tools and services that make everyday tasks easier and help you take care of your employees.

Learn more about payroll and HR management.

Accounts receivable management

See our services to help improve cash flow and simplify your billing and payment collection processes.

Learn more about accounts receivable management.

International trade

Simplify your foreign business operations and expand into new markets abroad with our tools and services.

Learn more about international trade.

Contact us

Contact your account manager for personalized assistance. 

If you don't have an account manager, contact our team.

 We can also call you when it’s convenient.

The Sollio name and symbol are trademarks of Sollio Cooperative Group.