The young people who use Répit talk about their hopes for the future

The young people who use Répit talk about their hopes for the future (2 min 04 s)

Added on February 22, 2023


The last video brings together the young people seen in the previous videos as they share their outlooks and reflections.

See all videos

The young people who use Répit talk about their hopes for the future (2 min 04 s)

Added on February 22, 2023 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the audio and visual content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.

[On-screen text: What if I'm still down-and-out tomorrow Don't worry, the sky will clear in the end – Les Louanges]

[Background music]

[On-screen text: Répit, 6 inspirational stories]

[On-screen text: Inspirational story #6]

Narrator: Répit works in the now and provides a positive influence for the future to many young people.

[A shot of yellow flowers.]

Caroline: Maybe I'll develop my social skills—more than I would by staying in my own living room.

[Caroline is sitting in an armchair on her phone.]

I'm not really a social person. So even when the case worker texts me in the morning, it's a struggle for me to approach people. Maybe I'll get into the habit of telling myself "This isn't working" when I want to stay in my little cocoon. I think it'll help me get to know myself, too.

[Shot of a young girl drawing]

Anne-Marie: I'm going to go to school to become a case worker. Maybe it's this place that inspired it. That's what I'm aiming for. I don't know exactly where I'll be in a few years, but things will certainly get better.

[Anne-Marie is smiling, walking alone, and then accompanied by Caroline. They join other girls, and laugh together on the park benches.]

Dave: I'm considering studying horticulture in Nicolet, or something similar.

[Dave on a balance board, juggling.]

Anne-Marie: I want to be a case worker because I've always loved helping people. It comes naturally. Someone asks for my help, wants to talk, I'm there. No lectures. I'm just there.

[Marie and Caroline glance at each other knowingly and laugh.]

I think that would make me a good case worker. I can be there for people, empathetic, resourceful … All qualities that would be good to have as a case worker. And, as I was saying, I've had examples. I've known several case workers, and it looks like satisfying work.

I think that the users and volunteers are the heart of an organization.

[Shot of an empty park bench, rising slowly to the sky.]

[On-screen text: Thanks for opening the door to the future.]

End of transcript