We're all committed to supporting youth - Forces AVENIR

We're all committed to supporting youth - Forces AVENIR (0 min 30 s)

Added on November 15, 2018

Recognizing the engagement of students like Elizabeth et Valerie, that's being committed to supporting youth.

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We're all committed to supporting youth - Forces AVENIR (0 min 30 s)

Added on November 15, 2018 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video, and the rest of the text corresponds to the dialogue.

[Background music]

[We see Elizabeth and Valerie walking on a university campus. They go into a room with a sign at the entrance that reads: La Centrale, Espace entrepreneurial. L'audace d'agir différemment.]

[Text on screen: Elizabeth and Valerie - Students | winners of the 2018 Forces AVENIR award]

Alex Nevsky:

Meet Elizabeth and Valerie.

They won a Gala Forces AVENIR award for designing an ultra-fast composter called Tero.

[We see Elizabeth and Valerie handling a Tero composter sitting on a counter near a window. Then we see a banana, an apple, and half an orange near a document entitled Résidus alimentaires (Food Waste). An information sheet on the Tero composter lies on top of the document.]

It grinds and dehydrates food waste and turns it into plant fertilizer in less than 3 hours.

[We see Elizabeth and Valerie sitting at a table near the Tero composter. They are talking together and looking at some documents. Then we see a hand putting a banana peel in the Tero composter. We see the Tero composter with 2 apples, one banana, half an orange, and a small container half filled with fertilizer.]

It's their way of creating a more eco-friendly future.

[A hand takes the container of fertilizer and pours the contents into a pot in which a plant is growing. We then see Elizabeth and Valerie sitting at a table and looking at documents.]

Choosing Desjardins, means supporting Forces AVENIR and recognizing student engagement.

[Elizabeth and Valerie face the camera and laugh. We see a hand pouring the contents of the fertilizer container into the palm of another hand. We then see Elizabeth and Valerie, sitting at a table, looking at documents.]

We're all committed to supporting youth.

[Text on screen: We're all committed to supporting youth]

[Desjardins logo]

[Desjardins jingle]