Jean-René Ouellet, Senior Analyst

Jean-René Ouellet, Senior Analyst (0 min 50 s)

Added on July 1, 2015


Jean-René Ouellet, Senior Analyst, Portfolio Advisory Group, presents his approach to analyze market trends that goes beyond macroeconomic statistics through field meetings.

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Jean-René Ouellet, Senior Analyst (0 min 50 s)

Added on July 1, 2015 | Desjardins Group

We know the statistics are lagging indicators. We know that real business is conducted, not in statistical boardrooms, but on the street. Do we see people in the stores buying or not? Do we see companies making profits, or not? We need to go at that level. So, let’s say I go to Beauce, where I feel the entrepreneurs are connected to the U.S. market. Maybe statistics are not good yet but, if the entrepreneurs are sprinting because they want to be investing, they see their end market being strong enough, they know that their backlog is growing at a very healthy pace, and this is being translated into investments, new hiring, new job creation. It may not translate yet into the statistics, but we know it’s coming. So if we wait for the statistics to be out, we may be late in the game.

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