Let's get active

Let's get active (1 min 00 s)

Added on April 4, 2018

École Oasis launched the Chez nous, tout le monde bouge! project to help young people, families and local citizens be more active.

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Let's get active (1 min 00 s)

Added on April 4, 2018 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information between brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.

[Text on screen text: Organizing committee, École Oasis]

Hi everyone, my name is Kelly Drapeau and I am the chair of my committee. As the chair, I need to make decisions.

At our school, everyone is active. We play lots of sports, like just now we played indoor ball hockey. Now we're going to play DBL Ball.

And now we're also going to do Zumba and yoga classes adapted for older people. Also beach volleyball. Our goal is to get everyone in our community to be active, young and old alike.

At our school, everyone is active!

[Image on screen: Desjardins Foundation logo]