Together, we facilitate cultural integration

Together, we facilitate cultural integration (2 min 31 s)

Added on October 13, 2016


The food co-op Aux goûts du monde helps newcomers in Drummondville integrate by providing the local community with access to diverse food products that are specific to their culture. Aux goûts du monde offers cooking classes, and it is a grocery store and restaurant rolled into one. But more importantly, it is a place for cultural exchange and integration, made possible thanks to the support from Caisse de Drummondville and its members.

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Together, we facilitate cultural integration (2 min 31 s)

Added on October 13, 2016 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information enclosed in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video other than dialogue or narration.

[Text on the screen: Together, we facilitate cultural integration.]

[Background music]

[View of a family of African descent wearing typical clothing from their country. View of the Goûts du Monde Coopérative d'alimentation internationale storefront. Darryl Barnabo talks to the camera.]

[Text on the screen: Darryl Barnabo, CEO, Goûts du Monde]

Darryl Barnabo: The goal of Goûts du Monde is to allow immigrants to participate in economic development here in Drummondville.

[Darryl talks to the camera from inside his business.]

Darryl Barnabo: As residents of Drummondville, immigrants arrive with culinary abilities that are uniquely their own, that are anchored within them.

[We see an employee of African descent and an employee of Caribbean descent smiling with their arms around each other's shoulders. We see the different dishes they're preparing. We see a woman placing products on the store shelves.]

Darryl Barnabo: From our point of view, we want to help people express themselves, achieve something through this culinary experience—that's how Goûts du Monde was born. We wanted to share their knowledge with the community while also helping them to integrate into the Quebec workplace.

[View of Darryl who is going through a door marked “Authorized employees.” We see him talking with his employees, who are cooking.]

Darryl Barnabo: I see it within the immigrant population: after the arrival, after school, after children, after all that, there is always a question in their eyes: “What now?” With Nada, it's been 6 years that we've known each other and worked together.

[Nada talks to the camera.]

Nada Hussein: I arrived in Drummondville in 2010.

[Text on the screen: Nada Hussein and Zakia Ramel, employees, Goûts du Monde]

[Nada and Zakia look at the camera. They are in a park and are smiling at people passing by. Zakia talks to the camera.]

Zakia Ramel: I came here with my family because of the war. It was a plea for change, to go to a safe country, where we could have a better life. It was Canada.

Nada Hussein: I really love Quebec, I really love Canada. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else except Quebec.

[View of Nada working in the kitchen.]

Nada Hussein: I've been working for Mr. Darryl for 4 years.

[View through the door's porthole of kitchen employees who are working.]

Darryl Barnabo: Seeing them as part of the workforce means that we've been successful.

[View of employees who are looking at the camera: Nada, a man of African descent, a man and woman of Arabian descent, a Caucasian man and another man of Caribbean descent.]

Darryl Barnabo: We are on the fourth cohort. This means that we've had 3 other cohorts, ranging from 15 to 18 people, who have passed through Goûts du Monde within a year. Today, we are proud to say, “Listen, this really works!”

[View of Darryl sitting at a table at his business outside, surrounded by customers. The employees place trays of food in front of the customers and everyone applauds Darryl.]

Darryl Barnabo: It's really impressive to see Desjardins' support—they were on board when it was just an idea, before anything became concrete. They believed in us.

[Text on the screen: To the millions of Desjardins members, thank you.]

[Image on the screen: Desjardins logo / Cooperating in building the future]