Contributing to the academic success of young people

Contributing to the academic success of young people (2 min 20 s)

Added on October 24, 2018


Desjardins Foundation contributes to the academic success of young people through scholarships, prizes and partnerships with recognized organizations. The Foundation supports over 130,000 young people each year through its various programs.

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Contributing to the academic success of young people (2 min 20 s)

Added on October 24, 2018 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the visual and audio content of the video, and the rest of the text corresponds to the dialogue.



[Image on screen: Guy Cormier talking to the camera]

[Text on screen: Guy Cormier, Chair of the Board, President and CEO, Desjardins Group]

Guy Cormier: Education and commitment are important values to Desjardins—values that we promote every day. I believe that education is the foundation of a prosperous society. So, whenever a young person drops out of school or isn’t able to achieve their full potential, it’s a huge loss.

[Image on screen: Guy Cormier talking with youth]

[Image on screen: Students working in a woodshop]

[Image on screen: Scholarship recipient Laurence Lepage studying in a training room]

[Image on screen: Scholarship recipient Yanick Racicot coaching a wheelchair rugby team in an arena]

[Image on screen: Guy Cormier speaking to the camera]

Guy Cormier: I’m so glad that thanks to Desjardins Foundation, we’re able to help young people succeed at school and offer them positive learning experiences that will shape their future.


[Image on screen: Youth with autism in a swimming pool]

[Text on screen: Inspiring youth and DESJARDINS FOUNDATION LOGO]

[Image on screen: Youth with autism in a swimming pool under supervision]


[Image on screen: Elementary school choir singing under direction]


[Image on screen: Elementary school students planting seeds]


[Image on screen: High school students playing a game in gym class]


[Image on screen: Students in a woodshop working under supervision]


Narrator: By financially supporting the work of teachers and youth workers involved in creating projects that motivate students, Desjardins Foundation Prizes give thousands of young people—from kindergarten to high school—the opportunity to learn and thrive.

Desjardins employees and officers vote to select the winning projects.


[Image on screen: Scholarship recipient Laurence Lepage studying in a training room]

[Text on screen: Helping young people succeed and DESJARDINS FOUNDATION LOGO]

[Image on screen: Scholarship recipient Laurence Lepage standing beside an ambulance]

[Text on screen: Laurence Lepage, Scholarship recipient]

[Image on screen: Laurence Lepage and a trainer preparing ambulance supplies and inventory]

Narrator: By providing a financial boost to students from a wide variety of backgrounds and varying career goals, Desjardins Foundation scholarships help keep young people on the path to graduation.

[Image on screen: Scholarship recipient Yanick Racicot in an arena]

[Text on screen: Yanick Racicot, Scholarship recipient, Community involvement]

[Image on screen: Yanick Racico coaching a wheelchair rugby team in an arena]

Narrator: Being active in their community also sets young people up for success. By getting involved in student life, community organizations and sports teams, young people can let their talents shine and prepare for the future.


[Image on screen: A young woman learning to read]

[Text on screen: Supporting partner organizations and DESJARDINS FOUNDATION LOGO]

[Image on screen: Youth workers on the phone, a young man on a dairy farm, a young woman preparing food in a restaurant, a family playing a game. A banner at the bottom of the screen displays 13 logos of Desjardins Foundation partners followed by screen shots from the Kids Help Phone website]

Narrator: By partnering with youth organizations, Desjardins Foundation makes sure kids have the support they need to reach their full potential.

These partnerships also offer tools for parents, so students can feel supported from all sides.


[Image on screen: The family mother congratulating her children]

[Text on screen: Inspiring, Helping, Supporting and DESJARDINS FOUNDATION LOGO]

[Image on screen: Nancy Lee speaking into the camera]

[Text on screen: Nancy Lee, manager, Desjardins Foundation]

Nancy Lee: Over the last few years, everyone at Desjardins has come together to support young people. Thanks to the generosity of our officers, employees and retirees, our foundation has even more power to make a difference.

[Image on screen: Guy Cormier looking a girl’s art]

[Image on screen: A young woman training at a computer]

[Image on screen: Scholarship recipient Laurence Lepage and a trainer driving in an ambulance]

[Image on screen: Scholarship recipient Yanick Racicot laughing with his wheelchair rugby team]

[Image on screen: Guy Cormier and several youths having their picture taken]

[Image on screen: Nancy Lee speaking into the camera]

Nancy Lee: By giving kids and young adults what they need to stay in school, we’re building a brighter future for them. And by preparing the next generation for success, we’re really making change happen.

[Image on screen: An elementary school choir singing]

[Image on screen: High school gym students having their picture taken]

[Image on screen: Students in the woodshop giving a thumbs up to the camera]

[Text on screen: Desjardins logo with music]