The role of the day centre

The role of the day centre (2 min 38 s)

Added on February 16, 2023


Anne-Marie, Dave and Caroline talk about the café, the day centre, and its social workers, as well as the birth of strong friendships.

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The role of the day centre (2 min 38 s)

Added on February 16, 2023 | Desjardins Group

Note: The information in brackets describes the audio and visual content of the video that is not dialogue or narration.

[On-screen text: Even from the ocean floor, I can still see the moon. – Karim Ouellet]

[Background music]

[On-screen text: Répit in 6 inspirational stories]

[On-screen text: Inspirational story #2]

Anne-Marie: For me, the café and day centre are places I can settle down in. Just relax, have a coffee, or talk with the case workers or other centre users.

[Anne-Marie is sitting in an armchair, with several girls drawing and chatting behind her. Dave walks through Centre Répit.]

Narrator: The café is a place where young people aged 15 to 24 can meet up and socialize. It's designed to be a unique place to gather, share and socialize in an environment marked by art and culture.

[Someone pours a coffee. Then a shot of materials: board games, paint, brushes, and artwork done at Centre Répit.]

Dave: Often—when I was about 14—I'd get to the café, plop down on the couch, and sometimes just sit there for 2 or 3 hours, watching people. But it didn't bother them, because I wasn't a lot of trouble.

[Dave opens the door to the café. He jabs at a punching bag.]

Caroline: A worker approached me immediately, introduced himself, and asked if I knew about the services, about everything they offered.

[A worker appears. She stands and leaves the office.]

Narrator: The day centre is an active prevention space, playing stabilizing, safety and socializing roles.

[Anne-Marie and Caroline are sitting on a park bench, chatting with another girl.]

Dave: The case workers have always been pretty chill. They're always like, let people be, but if you want to talk, need to talk, come see me. Because it will be even more in a closed bubble.

[Dave walks around the centre and its grounds.]

Anne-Marie: If I come here, I can chat with the case workers, then relax, have my coffee in peace. If I have something on my mind … that's why I call it settling down, because that's what it is for me.

[A shot of the centre's wall with writing on it and then a punching bag. Anne-Marie stands proudly in front of the café's entrance.]

Caroline: So far, I've never come without Anne-Marie. She's my touchstone here.

[Anne-Marie and Caroline walk together smiling in the street.]

Anne-Marie: When I met my friend Caroline, we were … we were at the same place, going through substance abuse therapy for teens.

[Caroline is sitting on a street painted with multicoloured lines. She smiles at the camera.]

Anne-Marie: It turned out we lived in the same town. So, when I got out, she became a bit of a "resource" for me. She'd done the therapy, and I was getting out. I had to change who I hung out with, so one thing led to another, and we became friends. We still are. Over time, we've gotten closer, and now we're the best of friends. It's been 11 years. At this point, I think we'll be friends for life.

[Girls sit colouring and talking together. Caroline and Anne-Marie walk to the park and then sit on a bench to talk. They laugh together.]

[On-screen text: Thank you for fostering meaningful encounters.]

[On-screen logos: Centre Répit Jeunesse and Caisse Desjardins des Bois-Francs.]

[On-screen text: Follow us on Facebook to see all our "Inspiration" videos.]

End of transcript