Secure document sharing


Sharing confidential documents securely

Securely share confidential information with us through our document sharing feature or by email.

Document sharing: A secure way to share information

Need to share confidential documents with us to open an account, renew a mortgage or manage your savings? There's a quick, easy and secure way to do it thanks to our document sharing feature.

How document sharing works


If you need to share confidential documents, the person handling your file will create a document sharing zone.

A new sharing zone is created for each request.

Login and notifications

When a document sharing zone is created, you'll receive the login information by email. Whenever the person handling your file shares a document, you'll be notified, and vice versa.


To keep your information secure, only you, the person who created the sharing zone and any authorized colleagues can access it.

Document sharing zones remain open until the expiration date indicated in the zone. After that, any documents in them are deleted.

How to access your document sharing zone

Check your email inbox. You should have received a confirmation email with instructions to log in to the document sharing zone.

Log in from this page

Access your document sharing zone in 3 steps by following this link.


On AccèsD

You can access your document sharing zone from a web browser or the Desjardins mobile services app.

On AccèsD Affaires

You can access a sharing zone on AccèsD Affaires from a web browser only.

Never share your login information

Some information should never be shared, even in a secure environment. This includes:

  • Passwords
  • Answers to security questions
  • PINs (personal identification numbers)

Emailing confidential documents

If you don't have access to a document sharing zone, you can still send confidential information securely by email.

  1. Protect your documents with a password

    Use software like WinZip or 7-Zip to put all your confidential documents in one file and lock it with a password.

  2. Choose a strong password

    Your password must be:

    • Hard to guess
    • Made up of at least 8 characters
    • Unique (different from your other passwords and usernames)
  3. Give the password by a method other than email

    Give the password to the person handling your file over the phone, by text message or in person.

Further reading

Desjardins Identity Protection

We offer protection against fraud and identity theft to all our members and clients.

Learn more about Desjardins Identity Protection.

How we protect your personal information

Learn about the practices and measures we have in place to protect the privacy of your information.

Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

Security section on AccèsD

Make your AccèsD account more secure by following our recommendations.

Learn more about the Security section.

FAQ – Document sharing

Accessing the document sharing feature

Viewing and sending documents

  1. For now, the document sharing feature is available to individual members who use AccèsD and non-members who are acting as an attorney or mandatary and therefore have a Desjardins Access Card.