Exchange rates - Currency notes

See our exchange rates for buying or selling foreign currency notes.

Current rates on March 27, 2025

Exchange rates for most popular currencies

Country Currency We buy We sell
USA dollar (USD) 1.3896 1.4667
Euro(zone)[ 1 ] note euro (EUR) 1.4741 1.6102
Mexico peso (MXN) 0.06672 0.07553
UK pound (GBP) 1.7777 1.9185
Switzerland franc (CHF) 1.5637 1.6692

Exchange rates for 13 currencies

Country Currency We buy We sell
USA dollar (USD) 1.3896 1.4667
UK pound (GBP) 1.7777 1.9185
Australia dollar (AUD) 0.8566 0.9471
Denmark krone (DKK) 0.1963 0.2175
Euro(zone)[ 1 ] note euro (EUR) 1.4741 1.6102
Hong Kong dollar (HKD) 0.1739 0.1944
Japan yen (JPY) 0.00912 0.00981
Mexico peso (MXN) 0.06672 0.07553
Norway krone (NOK) 0.1288 0.1428
New Zealand dollar (NZD) 0.7720 0.8704
Singapore dollar (SGD) 0.9814 1.1523
Sweden krone (SEK) 0.1353 0.1500
Switzerland franc (CHF) 1.5637 1.6692


Currency converter

Exchange rates provided by this currency converter are for information purposes only.

To convert more than 25,000 canadian dollars, contact your caisse for applicable exchange rates.

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I want:
Convert your Canadian dollars into another currency.
CAD 1 = USD 0.68180
USD 1 = CAD 1.4667


To buy 68.18 U.S. dollars, you need to pay 100.00 Canadian dollars at the rate of 1.4667 on the 27 March 2025.

Exchange rate updated on 27 March 2025.